
What was your worst year of school?

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mine is probably the grade I'm in now(8th) my few friends have moved and cliques here are so tight that unless ur a new student you won't be accepted

I'm sitting in the bathrooms on my phone right now because I hate eatingfrot of strangers and there are so many kids some have to stand to eat. I'm hungry and sad :( middle school is a terrible place

Is highschool any better?




  1. i didn't like my first year of high school, but my 10th grade year is amazing so far! 8th grade was my best and worst year so far. i got tons of self confidence that year, but my friend also killed himself, so it was really hard.

  2. 10th grade was worst.  

  3. Haha.. my answer is most definitely 8th Grade.. because cliquey people started rumors that turned people against each other.. especially the girls!  Highschool has been much better but I think it just depends on how people mature.

  4. haha 8th grade for me too

    i moved to germany n everibodii had their dumb cliques

    n back in my skool in the states we werent made up of that

    or at least i wasnt

  5. High school isn't much better sorry. Worst for me academically was 9th. Gosh I did horrible. Overall I hated 7th grade and 9th grade. Although I loved 8th grade that was my favorite year actually :P. Although my teachers hated me I had a lot of fun times with friends and still got really good grades!

  6. Year 7 sucked for me, big time. Primary school is heaven compared to Secondary school and when you first hit it, it's really horrible. I guess you don't know what Primary and Secondary schools are.

    I was tall, I was a mummy's girl, I was ridiculously shy, and a complete geek. Wahay. Great start!! I hated school until Year 10 when I came out my shell, met some decent friends and had the balls to stand up to all those b*tches.

    I don't know if high school is better....because I've never experienced it, so I can't really help you on that. :(

    Whilst your at middle school try to talk to people and just have fun! School ain't the end of the world, right? Ok then, SMILE! :D That's better.

    Good luck and get outta those toilets! How else are you gonna socialize?! :)

  7. yeah i agree 8th grade was awful i got pretty depressed about it for a while but near the end i realized that being shy wasn't helping me at all so i tried being friendly to everyone and speaking up in class and got up the courage to ask to sit by some people at lunch and it actually worked. I hope that your 8th grade year is better than mine was but don't worry if it isn't because high school is so much better! I had a blast

    good luck with grade 8

  8. I loved 8th grade. I hated 7th grade! My sister went to the same school as me for 7th grade and she was in the preppy/popular group and she used to have her friends make fun of me and it was horrible. When I was in 8th grade she was in high school and so we were not at the same school and it was great. Cliques can be tough though no matter what grade. Academics were always easy for me and with the exception of 7th grade my teachers typically liked me. But so you know, just get your work done, make a few friends, and ignore the mean people. It does not matter. I went to university and the people who made fun of me wanted to be friends and it was weird. None of it mattered, like moved on and we have all changed.

  9. 8th grade too. I did everything to not go. I missed about 45 days the whole year. Most excuses were Legit., I had terrible sinus infections, etc.

    I disliked all my teachers and I just wasn't into school.

    I found high school SO much better. There's more kids, so more chances to make more friends.

  10. 7th & 8th...It will get better but it all depends on your attitude. Stay positive and don't worry so much about what other people think.

  11. 2nd year high school chemistry, and 4th year discrete mathematics.

  12. My 4th grade teacher was a bitter, s***k of a woman, who would abuse us mentally and beat us physically. Not to punish or discipline us, but she actually enjoyed inflicting pain on helpless 4th graders.  

    If it was a public school she would have been fired, but it was a Catholic school so we had to take it.

  13. Oh hey 8th grade was my worst too! But I had depression then, and no medication...........

    Highschool- well, my highschool is a boarding school, and we have all these trips to the Met and overseas and stuff. So if you're smart enough and have the moolah for it, then yes, high school will be great. But if you don't- well, I am so goddamn sorry. I would go nucking futs if I had to spend one more year with all those half-wits. University is good though. It's kind of "Finally! Thank you God!" or so I've heard.

    Hey John C- my fourth grade teacher was in a public school, and she was like that too. But they didn't fire her either. It's the stupid teacher's union deal. But I also went to Catholic school too and the teachers were really nice- well, except for the librarian, she definitly had something up her posterior.

  14. junior year of high school was horrible....between all the hw, SATs, ACT, college visits =/

  15. Well in a way 6th grade was a bad grade for me, since it was the first day of me at a new school.

    But today I started 8th grade and I hate the school because they took me out of the class I was suppose to be in. Now im in class where I dont hang out with lik 20 kids in that class and more than half are boys and the girls in that class I don't like them. But I am going to try to be transfered back to the class I was suppose to be in. That is the only thing that would make me happy.

  16. Aww that sucks =[

    I'm the same age as you and I'll be going into 8th tomorrow.

    I guess it's hard for you, I've been at the same school since Kindergarden so I know everyone really well.

    My worst year was probably last year (7th grade) because everyone hated me. I went through all these steriotypical stages (from the smart one, to emo, then preppy). I'm glad I had my best friends to get me through it, though.

    Now I know who I am;; the smart, slightly shy, and crazy-at-times girl.

    I'm just trying to be nice to everyone and make new friends this year.

    ANYWHO, I think that you should talk to some kids that are in your classes, just mingle and you'll be sure to make at least one best friend and that's all that counts. Besides, I bet you there's at least one other person that feels the same way, so try to get to know them.  

  17. i hated 6th grade and 8th grade. mainly because of my teachers. but i've loved high school=]

    i just started my junior year last thursday

  18. I believe my worst year of high school was 7th grade.... Considering the fact that there aren't any middle schools here where I live at and that once you get into 7th grade your in HIGH SCHOOL and are surrounded by a bunch of older peers.... which brings about more drama and pressure. Definitely PRESSURE! But my best advice to you is to just don't stress about it because all that will do is make the situation even worst. Try finding new friends or joining school clubs to meet new people and interact in after-school activities like football games or meetings. That way you'll meet new people! Good luck and hopefully your next 4 years of school will be better!

  19. hmm good question..i believe my worst year of school has to be my sophmore year..and ironicly enough it was the best year of my school days..i had awsome freinds..a great school but a sh**y home life..but the freinds made up for it..good games, cheerleading practice, all that good suff..i miss it!  

  20. I don't know how it works in America but in England each Grade is a Year, and you start Secondary School (High School) in year 7.

    Year 7 is a little daunting. All the bigger kids push you around and everyone is trying to find friends and find out how they can fir in. And the teachers are always testing you to see where you should be placed.

    Year 8 is quite cool, but everyones a jerk. It's like everyone has got their own gang and there is ALOT of bitching and back stabbing because of everyones high egos now that their not the little kids anymore. But the work is really easy and there are no tests.

    Year 9 is... well, it was **** for me because my dad got cancer, i got depressed and my friends left me. It's the year you start partying though! And you feel more confident with boys, and start taking on more responsibilities. But at the same time peoples egos are still high  and the shallowness from YR 8 still hasn't quite gone away. There is also a little bit of pressure because of more tests and harder school work - like SATs.

    I'm hoping for a better Year 10 but I'll have GCSEs to do.

    But everyone experiences the years differently, thats just my take on them coming from an English public school. Its all up to you to make the best year out of every year :)

    PS: Yeah, our schools cafeteria is tiny as well! 3300 pupils and only 13 or 14 tables! Thats why some people just don't eat.

    I hope you have fun next grade :)

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