
What was yours eating for meals @ 13 months?

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My son is 13 months old....

For breakfast he still is having rice cereal plus some toast.

For both lunch and dinner I always give him some of the jarred baby vegetable food, or meat...followed by the jarred fruit. Then he will have some sort of finger a buisquit or some rice krispies or some puffed cereal type things.

Is this too babyish of food for him?

I have tried giving him things that we are having for dinner...such as, little pieces of pasta, chicken, broccoli, whatever...and he hates it. Just spits it out.

How old is too old to be eating the jarred baby food???




  1. my son was eating sandwiches, chicken, everything at 13 months, because he had all of his teeth by 9 months. however, he was also still eating baby food vegetables until 3 years because it was the only type of vegetable i could get him to eat at all.  just make sure the food groups are there and that you continue to introduce different types and textures of food and it will all work itself out in time. dont worry he'll eat regular food when he's ready.

  2. Try the gerber graduates... they have less sodium and sugar than our food.  My pediatrician agrees that this is a good meal source.  For breakfast try egg beaters in the micorwave and turkey breakfast sausage and toast...this will give your little one lots of protien.

    my guy rarely eats cereal in the am because it is loaded with carbs.

  3. Children develop at their own pace however it's important to introduce new foods and foster your child's continuing development. Here is a website which breaks down what a child his age (and any age) should be eating and how much... Hope that helps :-)

  4. Maybe its time for your 13 months old to graduate to more toddler foods. My little one would eat well cooked rice with some side dish like beef and broccoli (put it in the chopper). At this stage you can feed him more adult food but if its large stuff then put it into chopper. You can give him some well cooked pasta mixed with veggie sauce (tomato, peas, onion, garlic, carrots, zucchini chopped, cooked to the consistency of pasta sauce). You should let him feed himself more often, by offering him foods that he can pick up. You can offer him  omelet for breakfast, pancakes, or other soft foods that he can feed himself.    

  5. I actually do not have a child of my own, but my best friend has a 13 month old. Usually for breakfast its toast, fruit and cereal. Lunch is often chicken nuggets, fries, or really whatever she's eating. And dinner, every time I've eaten with them, she's given her what they're eating. Even things like steak, just cut very finely, and just a little bit of it.

    I don't think he's too old for the baby food, but maybe soon start to ween off?

  6. I also had my daughter on a similar food routine. She really didn't stop eating baby jarred food until she was almost 15/ 16 months. She just loved them. Little by little I would give her food from my plate and she started to like it little little. I would rush him into it. He just might be hungry more often. Just keep trying to give him more of the food that you are eating. He'll come around.  


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