
What way works best for you as a key connection, way of tuning in, something that triggers paranormal event..?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike where you actually receive answers, help, and or protection. Perhaps it's something that you can't explain, or you may see them from the other side. What is it that seems to attracks them to you, that you receive results.

The window is wide open here with a wide range....what do you think is the key that triggers these paranormal experiences.

What ways works best for you? if you experience it many times, perhaps it was very spiritual.

A) Meditation

B) compassion within your soul

C) Heart felt sincere prayers

D) All of the above

E) Other...




  1. Letter d.

    and also dreams...


  2. Personally I don't think there is a key window besides just paying attention.

    If you never try to meddle or connect with the paranormal world it is less likely that something will happen to you.

    I've seen people try to get recordings of white noise from the paranormal world and be able to get one ANYWHERE.

    It's because they're opening the window and making it easier for a spiritual experience to occur.

    Does that make sense?

    I hope I helped

  3. supposedly misery is one of the best baits to paranormal things that or a great deal of courage or other strong emotions (misery is easiest i think)

  4. I'm assuming you're talking about people who have them all the time?? And by paranormal event you mean anything, right? Like contact with spirits or guides or angels?? I know some here consider guides and angels to be religious, but I don't, it's all a part of the paranormal to me. So I hope it's all right if I include them, for the sake of this question.

    But honestly, I have experiences all the time. I can describe it to you, but I can't scientificly prove it. I only know what it is to me. yes, *I* can feel this stuff when it happens. To me, this IS real. I can see it, I can touch it, I can measure, but I am aware that not everybody can. So for me, connecting and having things happen is all of the above and then some. It just happens to me. My guides and angels are around me all the time. I see them to a certain degree, feel and hear them. There are spirit that come and go, mostly children and either my guides bring them TO me, or they just find me. There's something about being sensitive to it all that makes them better able to see you. People have likened it to being in the dark and there's lights on in the distance here and there. The sensitives are the light and the spirits are drawn to it. I'm not even sure why or how to be honest, I just know it's true. Without protecting myself with things nobody but another sensitive can see or feel, my home fills with spirits of all kinds. I did this once. I told a being I assumed was a guide (but wasn't) to leave and all h**l broke loose in my house. there were spirits everywhere. And I'm not the only one who sees and hears them--my oldest son, whose 12, comes to me when someone approaches him, because it still scares him.

    Anyway, not sure if that was the type of answer you were looking for, but there you go! lol Peace and love to you.

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