
What ways more?Lead or gold!?

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this has been asked before,but noone has been able to answere with out sounding like an Fing nasa scientist.

let me dumb it down a bit.A brick of LEAD 1 foot high,long and wide (solid box) and a brick of gold same diamiter (solid box).which ways more?!

I dont care about density or what ever else scientific just the basic.which ways more and by how much?




  1. Lead's atomic mass is greater than Gold's.

    So TECHNICALLY, Lead is heavier.

    But if you are asking about two objects, then we have to know the density, that is how you can determine the weight!

    A 1 foot high, long, and wide brick of Goose Feathers can weigh more than a brick of Gold, depending on the density, because you would be fitting a greater deal of Mass into the same Volume!

  2. LEAD

  3. Hey,

    think of logically:

    The molecular weight of Lead is 207.2 g/mol

    The Molecular weight of Gold is 196.9 g/mol

    Hence, for every mol, you would have a larger weight of Lead!

    Hence, Lead weighs more!

    But, I think its best if you double checked you answers, because Logic alone may not be sufficient!

    Take care

  4. Here is the answer to your question:

    With a solid brick of dimensions 1' x 1' x 1' the weight of the brick in gold would be:

    1,194.3 pounds

    and the weight of a lead brick with those dimensions would be:

    702.4 pounds

    So the gold brick would weigh more.

  5. skip the part below if you don't want explanation.Gold weighs more, dunno by how much.

    It's one of the heaviest metals.

    Molecular mass of a substance is not the only factor by which you can measure density. You also gotta take into account the closeness of the molecules.

    If gold wasn't so heavy, anyone could fake gold by mixing two metals, one lighter than it and one heavier, in appropriate quantities.

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