
What we used to do, but we can't do anymore? Why?

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What we used to do, but we can't do anymore? Why?




  1. How about go shopping at a mall?  Why?  Some a*****e might shoot you dead.

  2. gargle with mercuricrome (for sore throats) because it contains mercury.

    we also should no longer be using mercury-type thermometers.

    can't use insulation or draperies or safety deposit boxes with asbestos in them.

    some popular prescription medications have been banned.

    can no longer use lead paint at all (used to be in house paint, now in toys from china).

    we used to not have seatbelts in cars or not use helmets when riding bicycles, we used to be able to smoke indoors....lots of these things are a no-no anymore because of either federal or state laws these days.

  3. Use CFC's in aerosol cans.  Use CFC's in car air conditioners.  Their removal has helped reduce destruction of the ozone layer.

  4. Yep, I remember I used to be able to load up the old Conestoga wagon and take off to the wide-open west. Stake me out a plot of land - chop down some trees to build a cabin.

    Those were the good old days. Try that nowadays - even up in the Yukon and some offishuls come by in a helicopter and kick you off the land.

    Oh yeah, back before the 1930's we used to be able to smoke reefer until some dumba*s in Wahington decided to make it illegal.

  5. think clearly, and make decisions easily.  see clearly without glasses.  remember things.   there's more, but I can't recall.

    why?  because,..... oh I forget.

  6. smoke in public places because we realized that its STUPID

  7. You bring up a lot of interesting points here and hopefully I can answer your holiday query, as there are only 19 shopping days left.

    To start, I admire your "can't do" attitude, lot of positive people out there are ruining things for the frowners and cynics. I'm not a fan of smiles and I'm not a fan of Bobby McFerrin.

    As for the "why" in that sentence, let me tackle this portion of the problem and drive it's smiling face into a reinforced curb.

        * 2 pounds of potatoes

        * 1 teaspoon of salt

        * 1 cup of half and half (half milk & half cream)

        * 6 sticks of butter

        * Salt and pepper, to taste

    Peel and quarter the potatoes using a rusty and dull knife. Drop potato pieces into garbage disposal and dispose. Rub salt into any cuts or scratches you may have sustained during the peel session. Record and release as an EP.

    Place half and half into a balloon, tie off and place in your bicycle's basket. Leave it to mature in the hot sun for now, we'll get back to that ingredient shortly.

    Create butter skates (attach butter sticks to your feet), and secure: cut the cords from all of the appliances in your house, and strip the rubber from the wire. Dispose of the wire and now useless appliances. melt rubber by heating it in a child's swimming pool on your stove. the pool should not be the inflatable kind (i know, i know, a no-brainer here but you neeever know)  but the heavy plastic kind. the rubber will catch fire, this is normal. allow the mixture of melting rubber and plastic to cover and cake your stove. after it cools, remove 4 two foot strips (about 5 inches wide) and use as butter skate straps.

    skate out to your bike. remove butter skates and rub remaining butter onto your scalp. ride in a circle on your bike for 10-12 minutes, allowing the half and half solution to mix and putridfy in the sun. untie the balloon and pour the solution onto your face.

    That's what we used to do.

  8. Can't what anymore?

  9. Fill up our cars with $.75 a gallon gas.  I briefly was able to take advantage of that for a month or so...

  10. We (two generations ago) used to go to the zoo and feed the pigeons.  Now we get fined and thrown in jail for feeding a bird near or in the zoo.  Why?  Because the city, state, zoo and humane society failed to consult the pigeon experts.

  11. Travel to the Moon. Hope that changes soon though.

  12. Discipline our children

    the government wants to control our lives,

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