
What website can my mother find out about her father that she never seen before in her life??

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My mom is looking for her father, she never seen him before in her life. She only know that he a light skinned African American, His first or last name is " Wilson", and that he was a American soldier in the Vietnam war..PLEASE HELP 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!




  1. Shouldn't be more than several million men that applys to.

    Go into the people search and they will go through the men who was in war.  but remember 56,000 died.

  2. That is not enough info to go on. She's got to know more, like his place of birth, or SOMETHING. Sounds like you might have to hire a private investigator. The internet is not a miracle worker.

  3. details that MIGHT help you-

    first.. exactly where and when was he stationed?  You should be able to pin it down to the time when mom would have been conceived. What you are searching for are the name(s) of a possible unit, unless she (or grandmother, other relatives) have that information.  You might need to research the history for the locality where you know grandma was, and what was going on. Yes, those were hard times, I do understand this.  You may have to ask questions from persons who study the history of the war, to narrow down the unit, and from that, MAYBE his full name.

    Many veterans units will have "reunion" pages. You will need the above information, in order to search online for such a website. They do exist. That is where you MIGHT find him, or someone who knew him. You might be able to post a message. Of course, it will help to be discreet as possible.

    Of course, you know these things are a gamble. But you can try. Not long ago, I found pictures online of my 1st husband's flight class from that time, on the internet. I am still in touch with him, and sent them to him.

    I wish you luck.


    Your welcome :D


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