
What website can we find a price for mcdonalds, were at school and doing a project? thanks?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Google it.

    Google is good for everything.

  2. Well i work there iknow alot of our prices i cant find a website but i can just name you off some random things i know

    Big mac medium meal: 5.14

    10 piece nugget meal:  5.45

    Double Quarter meal: (pretty sure) is 5.45

    Small fry: 1.05

    Medium fry: 1.46

    Large fry: 1.77

    (fries sizes are the same for drinks)

    small: 1.05

    medium: 1.46

    large: 1.77

    Alll items are on teh dollar menu which means they are 1.05 with tax

    double cheeseburger

    4 piece nugget

    mc chicken

    large ice tea

    large sweet tea


    3 chocolate chip cookies

    2 pies

    snack wraps are 1.46

    hamburger: .89

    cheeseburger: .99

    This is as much as i have memorized.  I can get you a menu and if you give me yoru email i can get it for you and email you all the prices...this will happen wednesday night..

    Good luck and i hope i have helped

  3. If you are talking about a menu . look on McDonalds website. I know they have a menu not sure about prices

  4. The McDonald's web site does not list prices because they change from store to store. It all depends on cost of goods, cost of labor, and cost of advertising.

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