
What website should i use to upload my music to emble it on my 360 page?

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What website should i use to upload my music to emble it on my 360 page?




  1. I dont think that you can do that on yahoo 360.

    On your Blast you can insert a url to a specific song which you have hosted online, along with the infamous 'click here'


    I dont think you can use the players from  that I use on Myspace.

  2. There are lots of options for sharing music on a 360 space. The easiest player to use is from Project Playlist ( ) or maybe Seeqpod ( ), as you are using other people's music. You can also put a song in your blast. See this past answer here for full details of most of your options and links (part #2 is most relevant):;...

    As for your blast, I recommend Fileden ( ). See this blog entry here for step by step instructions:

    Sure, you can use MP3 files that you find on the net, but like pictures, if the file is taken down by that person or site, then you lose access. Other tips and examples are available through the "music", "vids", and "360tips" tags, as well as the highlighted posts on the right side.

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