
What websites are there for boat cruises?

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I inherited a motor sailor from my Greek uncle and I'm planning to use it as a cruise boat for small groups. It would sail the Greek seas. What websites are there where I could try to get my boat on if I want some bookings? As I understand it I also would need a broker. Any advice?




  1. hello,

    if you want read something about cruise line

    i just come accross this blog which may help you

  2.  ... is an awesome website that has that a lot of info.

  3. I'm not sure CruiseCritic is exactly right for you, it's more for big cruise lines than individual yacht charters (which is what it sounds like you're doing).

    Check out's section for boat Charters in Greece:

    You can look through the Agents section for a broker.  

    Also, if and when you have a marketing site, be sure to submit your URL for listing under "individual yachts."

    Even though not that many consumers go through DMOZ, the major search engines use it to help figure out how to categorize websites, so a listing there can help people find you through Google, Yahoo, etc.

    One other piece of advice: check out your competitors' sites, and then do a Google back-links search to see what sites they are listed on.

    Best of luck to you!

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