
What websites can i use to make ringtones for my moto Q 9m?

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a lot of websites that let me make ringtones directly from my iTunes don't support the motorola Q 9m. give me some websites!!




  1. Easier answer would be download audacity audio editor, choose the song you want and edit to the way you want. Then save it as mp3 and send it to your phone either via bluetooth, or via connecting it to your computer.

  2. could you possibly buy a data card reader? if you do, this is a very good way, read my explanation carefully,

    But, with Ventones you can't use Itunes files,

    you need to convert them to mp3 first,

    do you know how to do that? Burn them to a cd, then open the cd in itunes, and convert to mp3,

    read this

    a good majority of verizon phones are blocked from receiving free ringtones from websites.

    and on some phones, verizon has Deliberately disabled the ability to receive a text message with the ringtone.

    A safe and very sure way of getting ringtones for free on most verizon phones

    (with a memory card) is the following:

    you will need to buy 2 things

    a) a memory card for your phone

    b) a usb data card reader (search on google or amazon for a good price)

    use this free website to make a ringtone from an audio file


    *. Insert your sd memory card with the usb card reader adapter into your computer's usb port.

    *. Make the ringtone using Ventones, and instead of sending it to your phone,

    download it to a folder on your pc.

    *. Open your My Computer icon, and search for the the ringtone you made from Ventones.

    *. Copy and paste (or drag and drop) the ringtone from your pc, to the folder on your memory card labeled "My Sounds".

    *. Remove your memory card and place back into phone.

    *. Locate the ringtone in Get it Now - My Sounds

    *. Now, create a new text message, attach the ringtone, and send it to YOUR OWN NUMBER

    *. When you receive the message download it .

    *. Once you hear the song play choose Options - Save as Ringtone

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