
What websites or companies do i look for to try n find a job in paris as a waitress for the summer?

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My french is beginner / conversational level i just need a few contacts have tried certain sites but not really helpful. If someone knows or in particular l someone who lives in paris may know where i can start please help.




  1. You can also try various agencies and job sites based in France:

    Search under "hotellerie/restauration/métiers de bouche" for  the Paris or Île de France regions.

    Note that there are usually two types of contracts:

    CDI - Contrat Durée Indeternimée: Permanent Contact.

    CDD - Contrat Durée Determinée: Temporary Contract.

    You should be looking, then, for a CDD.

    Bonne chance!

  2. Very nice, but you need a work permit  and a visa, since you want to go to work.  Only tourist can go without a visa.

  3. Have you checked here? Its a site for English speaking expatriates in Paris.

    Click on "Read the small ads" and you'll find a section on emplyment.

  4. Start going around different cafes (brasserie) and ask them if they need help. I would start on Champs Elysees and L’Etoile area (touristy areas). With your French it will be a lot easier to find job there since you know English (assumable).

    Also, try the American University of Paris:

    31, avenue Bosquet

    75343 PARIS


    Usually they have plenty of job postings on the outside board (or at least that was the case two years ago). You can also try other university posting boards (Dauphine, Sourbone, etc).

    If your French is a little bit better than what I’m assuming, try this:

    Hope that helps:)

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