
What week did you go into labor, and how did it start?

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Did your water break? What time of day?

How far along were you?

How long were you able to labor at home before heading to the hospital?





  1. I didn't have any contractions before my waters broke at 8am when I was 38 weeks along. My contractions started an hour later when I was on my way to hospital (I had to go in straight away once my waters had broken)

  2. 1st: water broke at 37wks in the early afternoon, had to go straight to the hospital because we knew it had to be a c-section (breach)

    2nd: 1st labor at 28 weeks, again at 32wks and last time at 34wks, no water breaking but all happened in middle of night, had to go straight to hospital because pre-term and was twins

    3rd: went into labor at 36 weeks at 1:30 and was completely dilated by the time we got to hospital at 3am

  3. I started having mild contractions around mid-day. I carried on as normal until dinner time when they become much stronger. Waited until 10pm before going in and by that time I was 3cm so I stayed at the hospital. My water didn't break so they broke it for me at 7cm. After that it was very quite and baby was born at 5:45am.

    I was 39 weeks pregnant.  

  4. First pregnancy i went into labour 8 days over. I was 41+1.

    2.30am i woke up with a slight cramp, told my partner i was in labour, then fell asleep again til his alarm went off.

    It was 6.30am when my contractions got to 3 mins apart. I gave birth at 3.40pm. making it a 9 hour labour.

    Second pregnancy i was induced at 10 days over. (41+3)

    I went into active labour at 10.30am giving birth at 12.15pm.

    Good luck with your labour. I'm sure you'll be fine.

  5. I was 36 weeks 3 days.

    I was having slight cramps for about 2 days.  I ended up going to the hospital at about 11 at night. (water didn't break doctor broke it)

    I got the epidural about about 3 am.  Then at 3:30 am I was fast asleep.  Until about 7:50.  I woke up with A LOT of pressure.  No pain at all though.  They checked my cervix as soon as I woke up and they told me that they could see his hair.  LOLL

    So I had to immediately start pushing (which was fine since I had a good sleep).  He was born after 4 pushes at 8:04 am weighing 5 lbs 8 oz.

    I had a pretty good L&D.

  6. With my 1st, I started feeling contractions around midnight, I was 3 days over due. I was so excited I went straight to the hospital. They had to break my water at the hospital.

  7. My labor first started at 36 1/2 weeks.  I had some bleeding, and called my doctor, met her at the hospital and found out I was having contractions I wasn't feeling.  We were able to calm them down, but a week later I had the bleeding again, along with being crampy overall and having back pains I had been experiencing before.  I didn't realize the back pains were actually most likely contractions, and then my water broke at home and I knew it was time to go to the hospital.  I had been home all day dealing with those symptoms, as I took the day off work due to them.  My water broke in the evening.  That was at 37 1/2 weeks along, and I had a healthy baby girl.

  8. It is not as common as people think for a woman's water to break "out of nowhere". More often than not, a woman is already if active labor before her water breaks. Many times, a doctor will even have to break it for them.

    Full term is considered 37 to 42 weeks, so any point within that time frame could be normal - though in a first pregnancy, there is a better chance that you will go over 40 weeks rather than earlier than 40 weeks.

    How long a woman can labor at home before going in will depend - how fast the contractions came on and how fast they are progressing, if their water has broken or not, if they happen to be Group B Strep Positive or not...

    And to answer your question with my own experience:

    My water did break on it's own, before any contractions even began. It was 4 pm on my due date, so I was exactly 40 weeks pregnant. I was not able to labor at home at all due to my water breaking and being Group B Strep Positive - I needed to get on the IV antibiotics for that right away.  

  9. it was around 12, 1 in the morning (on my due date) i woke up feeling like i had to poo i went to the bathroom & i felt really weird my stomach hurt & i thought i still had to go but i didnt (kind of like a constipated feeling) so i layed back down & had some pain...thought it was just really bad gas or something but the pains got worse and i woke my bf up & said...okay i dont think this is he got his mom up, i called my doctor  (the after hours number) they said to go in because my contractions were already 3-4 minutes apart from the get go. so we left like 20 minutes later. i was in labor for 12-13 hours & they manually broke my water. i was pushing for about almost 2 hours. good luck!! GET THE EPIDURAL!

  10. I was liking water, but I didn't know even though is my second pregnancy. I was 41 weeks and 3 days. I supposed to be induced that day, but my contraction start at 3:00 am I went to the hospital at 5:30am, I was 4cm, my labor end up at 9:00pm with a c-section.

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