
What weighs more.. a ship or an anchor?

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What weighs more.. a ship or an anchor?




  1. Oh let me see Einstein...which weighs more...a 10 Ton boat or a 25 kg(12lb) anchor. Ummm...geee..which is more a Ton or a kg?    Oh I have to convert to pounds again?

    Okay, let's get to it....the ship will always weigh more generally speaking. The key factor is that the ship has bouyancy.

  2. I'd say an anchor since my wife hung around my neck like one for 20 years b4 my ship sunk.

  3. Is it colder in the Mountains or in the  Winter?


  4. Ship. A 30,000 ton ship may have a 15-20 ton anchor.

  5. A ship weighs more than an anchor.  a handy size ship may have a light ship of 7000 mt and her anchors may be 20 mts each.  loaded with fuel, stores and cargo she will weight up to 25000 mt - again this is for an average handy-size ship (5 holds)

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