
What weight exercises can help increase my striking power?

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All i have been doing is jabs, uppercuts and hooks while holding 5 pound weights.




  1. push-ups, dips, and with weight in hand rotate from the waist up. you want to build a stronger core for more punching power.  

  2. Another option is to start working out with Indian Clubs.

    A good article on the Indian Clubs can be found at:

    A site that sells clubs and instructions can be found at:

  3. I would say increase your core strength.

    Do exercises that increase your core power because power comes from the hips

    Develop proper technique, make sure you have a good stance, keep using weights and weighted gloves.

    This combination will help increase your power.

  4. What you're doing is fine. Just keep it up and you'll notice a difference.

  5. Start punching with resistance bands.

  6. I wear weighted bracelets on my wrists to increase power.

  7. I'd like to know the answer to this..

  8. punch something with resistance. your weights will add strength, but not impact...impact is what you want!!

    put on some wrist band weights, some bag gloves, and hit the heavy bag. if you're working on power alone...hit it hard every time, with good form. slowly. boom..........boom............boom .etc

    make sure your stance is good, your feet are rooted (or you'll have no power) ..and that you have good extension and hip rotation. keep your chin down. at first i'd work one punch at a time. do 50-100 perfect jabs HARD. then do 50-100 right crosses HARD. then left hooks HARD...then right hooks HARD...etc etc.

    do this for 2 weeks straight. and then start putting together combinations hard. not every punch has to be 100% power though to be effective. use your jab to setup your hard shots.

    before any of that, you should warm up and stretch obviously. do some shadowboxing or light pad work.

    the best way to get better at anything is to do that thing.

  9. I would suggest that you go find a flock of hobos and start swinging!  Do this every couple of will be throwing bombs in no time!

  10. you want to hit the heavy bag. i know alot of fighter that do not touch weights they just do pushups and pull up type workouts and the hit hard as h**l. another thing is technique when you hit and how you put your body into it.

  11. Build strength in your legs and your core.  You may not realize it as you feel this is an arms only exercises but balance, momentum and power come from these two areas.  I would recommend squats immediately.  No need for heavy weights. Start by just squatting. Crunches and hyper extensions are good also.  

  12. The way you have been working will increase strenght and strength endurance but power is another matter.

    Plyometric exercises are a way to build explosive power.  Also remember that speed and strength are the components that make up power.  

    Explosive walk over push ups, variations on medice ball tossing,  and the most tried and true of all time chopping.

    Sledge hammers and tires or actual wood chopping have been standards since who knows when.

    Other lifts like kettlebell snatches will teach your entire chain from feet to fist to work together in one coordinated effort to create explosvie power.

    I would highly recommend to further explore the topic.

  13. In Okinawa there are special weights just for developing your strikes.  The are called chi s**+ and nigiri-game.  The are unlike any American weight so you can't run out and buy them, you have to make them  They target specific muscle groups and strengthen the joints used in striking.  And then there is the Makawara.  It is a wooden striking post. This helps your technique and calcifies your bones.

  14. try using weighted gloves also.  weighted boxing gloves...or even bag gloves with a wrist weight attached.  I dont like training too much with gloves because your hands dont get the feel for direct impact but the weight does help in development.  The 5 pound weights sounds good but I think there may be a little too much room for injury.  Really what you would be strengthening is your bicep/ tricep, shoulder (delts), chest and abs.  You could even strengthen these muscles with the usual resistance exercises for some added power.  The way your doing it would also add speed.  If you can hit quick with resistance then without it you should be faster, theoretically.   bottom line is..if you get those above mentioned muscles stronger your punch will be stronger.    

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