
What weight loss pill works the best when not working out?

by  |  earlier

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i just had surgury and im starting to put weight back on and i cant go to the gym no more for 2 1/2 months and im not taking any perscribed medication so i can take whatever i want. Im still taking my protein and creatine shakes everyday saince im bascially jus doing arm workouts but thats all i can do for now but let me know what worked the best for u and how long it toke to see some change in weight thanks




  1. Hello there,

    I can personally recommend weight loss hypnosis.

    I've used the Rapid Weight Loss Binaural hypnosis program and found the weight literally dropped of me! In a month I lost 14 pounds just by listening to this program daily and what was really weird is I stopped craving sugary foods and started to want to eat healthily!

    It really freaked me out when I went out for a pizza - I found myself ordering salad instead of a starter and skipping dessert! My friends were most bemused by it.

    What I like about hypnosis is the fact that it works on a subconscious level - I've always struggled with weight loss in the past and found I couldn't stay motivated, but this, oddly enough, works!

    Hope that helps you out :)

  2. You've just had surgery, your body needs all the nutrients it can get while it recovers. To improve your recovery time you probably shouldn't take any weight loss pills. Would it be so bad to be just a little heavier for two months of a many-more-months-long life?

    Okay, so you're a body-builder. Diet pills wont keep you built, they'll just keep you thin. Either way, I don't think anyone should do it. If you do, you'll compromise your recovery time from surgery and it may be even longer than 2 1/2 months until you can exercise again.

  3. Diet pills? No. Try just eating less? I highly doubt you need protein shakes at this point.

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