
What weight should a 6 year old girl be?

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she is quite tall for her age and is 3st i dont know if this is underweight??




  1. 40 ish i think

  2. The only one who can accurately answer if your daughter is the "right" size is her doctor. They can look at her growth charts and see the trend. (They worry more about a big jump up or down on the chart, vs. someone who's stayed along the same line all along.) Other factors that come into play are: body frame and family history, among others.

    If she's tall for her age she might probably be just a little underweight, make sure she's maintaining a healthy diet, plenty of proteins, carbs, and vitamins, and she should be a healthy weight!

    Hope I helped!

    have  a great day!

    Your friend,



  3. No, that's fine.  My 7 year old is also 3st and is about 4' 5.

    As long as she eats well and looks healthy and is energetic, that's fine.  My daughter never stops eating - and it's nearly all healthy stuff.  She just doesn't stop running around!

    Ps I've got a 4st 10 year old at 4'9"

  4. all kids are very different, my daughter is 35 lbs and 5 yrs old,,while i have a 3 yr old who is 22 lbs and a 2 yr old who is 30 lbs.  but are all vey happy and healthy angles!

  5. 30-50

  6. I would say between 30-40

  7. Not sure how much 3st is. But I think on average a 6 year old weighs 30-40 lbs.

  8. 45 -55 is  about right

  9. She should be anywhere from 40-60 pounds; it's simple take her age and minus the first 5 years of her life (6-5), then times that by 5-7 (thats the average pounds a child puts on a year), then add at least 15 pounds for the 1st year (babies triple their newborn weight in the first year of life), and if you do the math correctly it comes out to between 40-63 pounds.

  10. My six year old son weighs 45 pounds.

  11. How tall is she?

  12. my son is 6 and he is around the 3 stone mark,depends on hight and build. he  is average hight but boys are meant to be heavier than girls. if you are worried ask to see the school nurse

  13. my daughter is just turning 7 and is 4 stone

    i think it depends on the frame of your daughter also

  14. 30-55

    Depending on her height etc... My son is 6 and weighs 52 lbs

  15. If she used to be heavier and suddenly lost some weight, she could have a parasite in her intestines or something.  That happened to a girl I knew after a family trip to Mexico, and her parents didn't figure out what was wrong until a few years later.

    As long as there's no parasite, it's absolutely fine.  I weighed about that much when I was that tall, and I stayed super-skinny until my late teens.  This girl is one of those lucky people who'll never have to worry about getting fat : )

  16. How tall is she? I would say between 30-50. Here is a good website to look into:

  17. about 50 pounds i think...

  18. This is slighty underweight. The average weight for a 6 year old girl would be about 4 stone. Maybe she is not tall though. Consult your GP for further info...

  19. I would also say that between 30 and 40 ponds sounds right but as "dreaming " stated it depends on height and body frame. My two youngest are very small boned because their father's family is built that way, My son is 7 and he only weighs 46 pounds and my ten year old is going to be 11 and she weighs 63 ponds.

  20. 40-50llbs

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