
What weight were your baby?

by  |  earlier

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i would like to know what the sizes of your baby's were and if you tore or needed an episiotomy and if so how long did it take to recover from these procedures and resume a s*x life again.

i would love to have a natural birth this time cause my first was breech and 8pound 3 and to big to turn so i had to have a c-section, but am scared of all the horror stories you hear E.G i tore so bad or i needed an episiotomy and i couldn't have s*x for 7 months after and it still hurts, or s*x just isn't the same as am i bit loose down there and i can't feel my partner as much.

and what do you think about your second baby being bigger than you first please help put my mind at ease.




  1. No one EVER needs an episiotemy, they do not speed up delivery and they almost always cause rather than prevent tearing.

    My first was 8lbs 2oz my second was 8lbs.  I had some minor tearing with my first and a 2nd degree tear with my second (because of an improperly repaired tear the first time).  We started having s*x 4 or 5 days later and it wasn't painful at all because the stitches were properly done.

  2. My daughter was 6 pounds 13 ounces and I tore a bit but not too badly. You will need time to heal down there but that's normal for all vaginal births, even if you don't tear.  

  3. My daughter was 8lbs 10oz. When it was realized how big she was, it was too late to do a c-section because she had already been crowned for an hour and a half (I pushed for 3 hours and 39 minutes). I have a 4th degree tear, and my daughter is 5 weeks old. I'm still not completely healed, but I'm slowly getting better.

  4. My son was 6lbs 13oz, I had an episiotomy, lot of cutting, because the doc said my muscles were very strong, took a few days to feel better, started walking 2 days after I got home from the hospital...short walks..under 1/2 mile.

    4months now, still no s*x...just don't feel like it yet. between the baby and work, and our schedules...we work different hours.

  5. My son was 7lbs 14 oz and I did have to get the cut. I healed normally though, but I haven't wanted s*x. Therefore, still no s*x and our son is 7 months old!

    My sister has four kiddos and they got bigger each time! But it also gets easier. So try not to worry!

  6. I had my 1st baby June 23 (she'll be 9 weeks tomorrow). She was 6lbs 2oz.  I had no problems or complications with my pregnancy but only with delivery. I'm totally not trying to scare you but what happened to me is REALLY rare. While I was pushing I got a big laseration way up in my uterus (sorry if it's TMI). I lost a lot of blood & the doctor had to put me to sleep to stitch everything up because my stupid nurse turned off  my epidural. The doctor said it was from me being "too small" there.. I'm  not sure if he meant the uterus or in general (I"m not even skinny- a bit overweight). The doctor said if he would have known he would have done a c-section but there was no way for him to know. He's been doing this for about as long as I've been alive (25 yrs) & he said it's the worst he's seen. I don't think I tore though & I definitely didn't get an episiotomy everything was way up inside. It was only sore for a few days after

  7. Born exactly 40 weeks on the dot, my daughter weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces. Had a slight tear but no need for stitches. Healed up in a few days. Oh yeah, what's s*x? ;o)

  8. My son was 8lb3

    I tore pretty bad..well idk i thought so, there were a bunch of stitches. I had s*x about 4-5 weeks after..pretty early. It hurt a little. But i actually enjoy s*x more now than before, and I feel tighter,,,just gotta do kegels :)

  9. My firstborn, boy: 7 lbs. 7 oz... They gave me an episiotomy; his head was large. :) Took a good while to heal from that.

    Second child, girl: 6 lbs. 7 oz... I tore, but healed much faster.

    Third child, girl: 6 lbs. 15 oz... Tore, but, again, healed faster than with the episiotomy,

    I'd say we tried to 'do it,' about 2 months after their births... Not that I had a lot of desire, but I wanted to know if it would hurt. And, yeah, it did. But, it got easier, and it wasn't *that* bad...Perhaps 'uncomfortable' is the better word... As far as being 'loose,' well, I wouldn't know, but, my husband never complained. :)

  10. 1st baby girl. Had episiotomy. Healed with no problem and not sore at all. She was 7.11 and 20 inches long

    2nd baby boy. Slight tear. Hurt like h**l for two weeks. Hurt to sit, hurt to walk. Just hurt. He was 7.10 and 21 inches long

    3rd baby girl. no tearing or cutting. Felt wonderful after wards. No soreness. she was 7.13 and 20 inches long.

    And s*x hurts after you give birth, There is no getting around it, but after the first time or two it doesn't hurt anymore. It's just a matter of grin and bear it. Don't quit because if you do your body wont get used to it again. And it only hurts for a few minutes in the beginning. Just tell your husband to take it VERY slow and be very gentle. Everything will be fine. Good luck

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