
What weird foods ???

by  |  earlier

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weird food combination do u enjoy as a

guilty pleasure

i like potato chips diped in chocolate.




  1. Vegemite and banana....YUM

  2. peanut butter, with marshmallow fluff, sliced bananas, and chocolate sprinkles on cinnamon bread!!!!!!!!!!  

  3. hold a potato chip with a pickle slice and dip in yellow mustard, yum!!

  4. I like potato chips in PB&J sandwiches

  5. White Cheddar crackers dipped in a mustard tabasco pepper sauce

    Fried Okra with Ketchup

    Strawberries with sugar in milk

    Meatloaf topped with ketchup

  6. I like to eat pickles right after I eat ice cream, I also like pringles with cottage cheese.

  7. i use to eat french fries dipped in mcdonalds ice cream :\

  8. potato chips dipped w ketchup or popcorn w parmesan cheese and dipped in mustard....?cottage cheese w banana peppers all over it.

  9. I like pretzel sticks in frosting

  10. fried goat liver dipped in garlic hot sauce

    sandwiched in between moldy bread.


    man i want some now, im kinda craving some

    liver. oh and BTW i like it with a side of llama milk.


  11. i mix m and ms with skittles, i like to put peanut butter, strawberry jelly and equal sugar substitute on chocolate rice cakes, and mixing orange juice with 7up and equal in it. it turns it into a non alcoholic mimosa
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