
What were Cara Burke's parents thinking?

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What were Cara Burke's parents thinking allowing their 17 yr old to go to Brazil???? I left UK at 21 and was bearly old enough mentally to cope then .... 17 is too young to be alone in a foreign country. What do you think?




  1. I wasnt planning on writing anything, but ater seeing safaris answer I couldnt hold back...I live in South America (not Brazil), so the comment about drug use etc really offends me...thank goodness in other parts of the world noone uses drugs, and there are no crimes (sarcasm).

    I also dont see what the fact that the murderer is muslim has to do with anything. lucky, otherwise Im sure Georgw W and his friends would take out the bombs!!!!

    It is truly sad that her parents let her travel for such a long time to a foreign country, any foreign country, as a mum I know I wouldnt let my daughter travel by herself at that age to any other part of her world!

  2. The problem is not that she went to Brazil, but that she was dating a ruthless criminal, drug dealer and murderer. A "foreign" country, as you say, is foreign to us, but 17 year olds live there just fine. This guy could have stabbed her in the UK as well, as anywhere, no place is murder free. So the problem was how they let her leave with this person! Such a sad story!  

  3. i know Cara she was in my year at secondary school.

    Cara was strong minded and wanted to do what she felt like and she was mentally mature in for her age.

    she also didn't live with her parents so they couldn't be watching over her 24/7 and because she lived alone her parents can't be responsible for her actions.


  4. So, I'm Brazilian and I really don't agree with some of those statements (they are very ofensive). Why do you think Brazilian's rules are not good enough to take account of "our" criminals? I don't believe this guy will stay only 10 years in the place "he is going to go".

    Also, what type os parents allow a girl of 17 years to visit (seams that she was living here) another country, and ALONE?  

  5. some 17 year olds are very mature.

  6. Well, It's a very sad fact that Cara had been murdered, but the fact she was in Brazil had nothing to do with it! It could have happened in Britain or any other country! I was born in UK but I live in Brazil... Never seen my friends using drugs, killing or doing anything "criminal", Our police was really fast and caught him just in time!

    So, Little Safari, before criticising other people's country, you should find out what they are all about! By any means, have you forgotten what happened to Jean Charles?

    At least our cops don't kill innocent people!

  7. I honestly think that a 17 year old child shouldn't be left traveling alone in a foreign country. I think parents should guide their children and support them in their decisions but leaving home-country alone with a boyfriend..

    I so sorry and sympathetic for the parents, l think loosing their child is very brutal. May their example be a guidance to other parents. We should be careful with our decisions as parents, our children is our meaning in life , our world, we ought to ourselves and our children to be careful even if we sometimes get strict and traditional. But we should have in mind that not all people are good.

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