
What were Mick Malthouse and Ben Cousins talking about over coffee?

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Will we see Ben in a Collingwood jumper after all Mick knows a good player when he sees one he drafted him in the first place.

Personally I couldn't think of anything worse except maybe seeing Judd wearing one.





  1. they are old mates, probably mick was testing the waters to get him over to the pies, him and didak would have some interesting nights out i reckon.

  2. Ben loves the white stripes in Collingwood's jumper and he wants to know how he can chop them into lines.

    Either that or Andrew Johns.

  3. Ben your welcolm at Collingwood

    if you dont do drugs

  4. Here's another 'typical womans' answer Molly :)

    I think along the same lines as you, maybe his old mate thinks he would like him to come play with the magpies?

    Personally, I think if Ben gets straight, whoever gets him will be lucky :)))

  5. Jen, Tongue in cheek.

    Ben wanted to supply Mick with "Smiley" Drugs and Mick wanted to supply Ben with "Get real Drugs" Guess the pair of them failed, or I guess they just took their own Drugs and called it quits. But then, Who really cares?

  6. Probably how they have one thing in common...they both really stuffed up by leaving WCE but in both cases the WCE were better off without them.

  7. If Ben does get back on the right track, he could use a good mentor like Mick, who knows ....... maybe there is a future at the pies for him

  8. Mick asked Cousins to come and play for Collingwood and Cousins declined, because he wouldn't get the sweetheart deal on his preferred recreation if he were a Victorian player.

  9. nah i dont think so, i dont see Cousins geting back in the AFL

  10. s*x, That's what most men talk about these days. LOL.

  11. yes i think it was so that ben could come go to collingwood

  12. Talking about Mick's now married daughter, Ben was just explaining how he broke her in.

    Yes I know pathetic, I'm hot, it's bloody to hot in Adelaide.

  13. how much for 30 vicodin and 30 oxycotin, and a bag of weed would cost him

  14. Well I think they were talking about the weather, and how coffee is quite addictive and not illegal to have. On a serious note however, Yeah it looks as though he might play for the Pies, provided he can get off the drugs and plays in the reserves for a few years and by that time he may be ready to play AFL, but then he may not like these conditions and he may retire from football all together.

    In all honesty, I really couldnt care what Cousin did, I dont think much of him, but I do know he has talent that if he keeps going down the road he is going, he will be going nowhere fast...

  15. Ben didn't drink any coffee - he asked the waitress if she could grind them up very small so he could snort them.

  16. I'm hoping Mick explained to Ben how black/white colored jumper does NOT suit him, but suggested a navy blue one instead.

  17. Typical woman Molly ...

    You have to imagine they were talking about something of substance don't ya :-)

    It was about beer, girls and football.  Same conversation any guys have!!

    .... now the details of each of those topics could me the mystery hey?

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