
What were Moses’, Jesus’, and Mohammed’s top 5 most impressive acts/miracles?

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What were Moses’, Jesus’, and Mohammed’s top 5 most impressive acts/miracles?

An example would be: Moses - 10 plagues, parting of the sea, his army would win every battle as long as his hands were up in the air, raining down bread, pillar of flame, etc.

Bullet point is all that’s required. If you know the particular passages, that would be great.

Only comment if you know of at least 3 acts/miracles for each prophet/teacher.




  1. Moses

    - The Ten Commandants

    - The Plagues of Egypt

    - The Parting of the Red Sea


    - The Raising of Lazarus

    - The turning of Water into Wine (Wedding at Canaan)

    - Walking on water (the apostles where in a boat fishing and a great storm arose).

    Mohammad (don't know which miracles are considered most important by Muslims but there are numerous ones)

    -The feeding of the masses (130+) with two sacks of flour and a single sheep - and the roasted sheep was whole again after the feast as if no one had ever eaten a piece.

    - Creation of water at Zarwa - there was no water to perform ritual ablution so Mohammad made water flow from his hands like a fountain for 300 people

    - The very animals, rocks, tree and even food would cry aloud that Muhammad was the prophet of God as he walked by them.


  2. Moses parting of the red sea.

    Jesus resurrecting the dead

    Mo .....................none.  he didn't do any.

  3. Good answers K

    Moses had to deal w/Pharoah, so there were plagues/miracles he performed, although by God's power. My personal favorites are the Red Sea parting, striking the rock for water and the Passover - not necessarily a miracle on Moses' part, but one God worked through him - miraculous that only the Jewish 1st born anyone/anything lived and any other 1st born person/animal died. It's a great foretelling of Christ's sacrifice, as the Lamb of God.

    Christ is God so anything He did miraculous was noteworthy, but definitely raising the dead - and having the power to raise Himself from the dead (John 10:18) - that was incredible, not to mention God's love in sending Him in the 1st place.

    Mohammed? Well . . . he did inspire a bunch of people to take up a new faith. Miracles? Where's the evidence?

  4. Moses- Ten Commandments

    Jesus- water into wine

    Mohammad-  Dragon slayer

  5. Hmm...

    I thought God worked miracles.

    Where did I go wrong?

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