
What were Nixon's Policies???

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What were Nixon's policies of engaemnet with foreign policy strategies used during the Cold War?

I work at a retirement resort and some of the ex World War Vet's like to talk about the past, thanx. =)=)=)




  1. Nixon's policy was called "detente". idk how to show u how to pronounce that. He was the one that negotiated the SALT treaty, if i remember correctly (its been like 4 months since i last studied this). basically, he encouraged the soviet union to demilitarize some of its nuclear weapons and promoted peaceful talks. He also withdrew from vietnam, although he made the mistake of bombing cambodia (i think it was cambodia anyway) on his way out.

    Overall, nixon's foreign policy was excellent and the soviet union started to warm up with us. Detente refers to a relaxing of war tension between us and the soviets. His domestic policy is what people more often remember (and hate him for). I think he deserves a little bit more credit.

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