
What were all the charges against Jeffery Dahmer?

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I'm doing a presentation for my Criminal Law class and I was given Jeffery Dahmer. I'm having a real hard time finding what kind of charges the DA brought against him. I know he killed 17 people or more, but was only charged with 15. I need to know what kind of charges were brought against him such as 19 counts of rape? Cannibalism? Kidnapping? If someone knows of a place where I can get these it would be greatly appreciated.




  1. he was not charged with the first one or two murders because he disposed of the bodies so efficently that not a trace could be found.

    they probably would have persued it but they figured they would already put him away for something like 600 years without that so it wasn't worth the effort.

    I don't think canabalism as such is technically a crime, but he may have been charged with a general "inappropriate disposal of bodies" or something for his collection in his appartment.

    He may have had some charges of rape at his final trial, but he also had some rape/molestation charges against him a few years before which put him in jail for a few months. I think he did most of the killing while on parole actually.

    there are a few pretty comprehensive biographies of him, try your local library. (it's probably also on the internet somewhere, but a lot of teachers don't let you use that as a source) there is one by a guy called "brian masters" which has a whole chapter called "the charges". skimming it now it seems that at his final trial he was just charged with 15 murders, but your should probably find it yourself and read it in full.

    An entry in "The world's greatest serial killers" also only mentons 15 life sentences for 15 murders.

    There are entries on him in heaps of anthologies of serial killers, there will be something in your library that will help you.

  2. Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the most infamous and notorious serial killers in American history. Part of the reason he became so well known was the number of victims he killed: at least 17 young men and teenage boys between the years 1978 and 1991. Another reason for Dahmer's infamy was the peculiar nature of his killings. He stored the body parts of many victims in his apartment. He ... engaged in cannibalism, although the extent of this is less than was widely believed after this detail was sensationalized in media reports. Dahmer's killing spree was finally discovered and halted in 1991 when one of his intended victims was able to escape and lead police to Dahmer's apartment, where the remains of 11 bodies were found.

    Jeffrey Dahmer was indicted on 17 murder charges which were later reduced to 15. He pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. Much of the testimony was based on Dahmer's 160-page confession and from various witnesses who testified that Dahmer's necrophilia urges were so strong that he was not in control of his actions. The defense sought to prove that he was in control and capable of planning, manipulating, then covering up his crimes.

    The jury deliberated for five hours and returned a verdict of guilty on 15 counts of murder. Dahmer was sentenced to 15 life terms, a total of 937 years in prison. At his sentencing Dahmer calmly read his four page statement to the court. He apologized for his crimes and ended with,

    "I hated no one. I knew I was sick or evil or both. Now I believe I was sick. The doctors have told me about my sickness, and now I have some peace. I know how much harm I have caused... Thank God there will be no more harm that I can do. I believe that only the Lord Jesus Christ can save me from my sins... I ask for no consideration."

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