
What were and now's 7 wonders of the world?

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Please I need a complete list... PLEASE it's really important

starting from the first 7 wonders up until now.





    There are many! :]

  2. Ancient Wonders

    Colossus of Rhodes

    Hanging Gardens

    Lighthouse Alexandria


    Pyramid of Khufu

    Temple of Zeus

    Temple of Artemis

    New Wonders

    Pyramids of Egypt

    Great Wall

    Taj Mahal

    Serengeti Migration


    Grand Canyon

    Machu Picchu

  3. Complete Listing of World Wonders

    The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

    The Great Pyramid of Giza

    The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

    The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

    The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

    The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

    The Colossus of Rhodes

    The Pharos of Alexandria

    The Seven Wonders of the Medieval Mind


    The Colosseum

    The Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa

    The Great Wall of China

    The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing

    The Hagia Sophia

    The Leaning Tower of Pisa

    The Seven Natural Wonders of the World

    Mount Everest

    The Great Barrier Reef

    The Grand Canyon

    Victoria Falls

    The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

    Paricutin Volcano

    The Northern Lights

    The Seven Underwater Wonders of the World


    The Belize Barrier Reef

    The Galapagos Islands

    The Northern Red Sea

    Lake Baikal

    The Great Barrier Reef

    The Deep Sea Vents

    The Seven Wonders of the Modern World

    The Empire State Building

    The Itaipú Dam

    The CN Tower

    The Panama Canal

    The Channel Tunnel

    The North Sea Protection Works

    The Golden Gate Bridge

    The Seven Forgotten Natural Wonders of the World

    Angel Falls

    The Bay of Fundy

    Iguaçú Falls

    Krakatoa Island

    Mount Fuji

    Mount Kilimanjaro

    Niagara Falls

    The Seven Forgotten Modern Wonders of the World

    The Clock Tower (Big Ben)

    Eiffel Tower

    The Gateway Arch

    The Aswan High Dam

    Hoover Dam

    Mount Rushmore National Memorial

    The Petronas Towers

    The Seven Forgotten Wonders of the Medeival Mind

    Abu Simbel Temple

    Angkor Wat

    Taj Mahal

    Mont Saint-Michel

    The Moai Statues

    The Parthenon

    The Shwedagon Pagoda

    The Forgotten Wonders

    The Aztec Temple

    The Banaue Rice Terraces

    The Borobudur Temple

    The Inca City

    The Statue of Liberty

    The Mayan Temples

    The Temple of the Inscriptions

    The Throne Hall of Persepolis


    The Suez Canal

    The Sydney Opera House

    The Red Fort in India

    The new wonders of the world

  4. check it out

  5. OLD

    Wonder Date Started Date Finished Locations

    Channel Tunnel December 1, 1987 May 6, 1994 Strait of Dover, between the United Kingdom and France

    CN Tower February 6, 1973 June 26, 1976 Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Empire State Building January 22, 1930 May 1, 1931 New York, NY, U.S.

    Golden Gate Bridge January 5, 1933 May 27, 1937 Golden Gate Strait, north of San Francisco, California, U.S.

    Itaipu Dam January 1970 May 5, 1984 Paraná River, between Brazil and Paraguay

    Delta Works 1950 May 10, 1997 Netherlands

    Panama Canal January 1, 1880 January 7, 1914 Isthmus of Panama


    Wonder Location Image

    Chichen Itza  Yucatán, Mexico  

    Christ the Redeemer  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  

    Colosseum  Rome, Italy  

    Great Wall of China  China  

    Machu Picchu  Cuzco, Perú  

    Petra  Jordan  

    Taj Mahal  Agra, India  

    And one listing has honorary status:Great Pyramid of Giza

    (The last remaining ancient wonder of the world)  Cairo, Egypt

  6. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

        * The Great Pyramid of Giza

        * The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

        * The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

        * The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

        * The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

        * The Colossus of Rhodes

        * The Pharos of Alexandria

    The Seven Wonders of the Medieval Mind

        * Stonehenge

        * The Colosseum

        * The Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa

        * The Great Wall of China

        * The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing

        * The Hagia Sophia

        * The Leaning Tower of Pisa

    The Seven Natural Wonders of the World

        * Mount Everest

        * The Great Barrier Reef

        * The Grand Canyon

        * Victoria Falls

        * The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

        * Paricutin Volcano

        * The Northern Lights

    The Seven Underwater Wonders of the World

        * Palau

        * The Belize Barrier Reef

        * The Galapagos Islands

        * The Northern Red Sea

        * Lake Baikal

        * The Great Barrier Reef

        * The Deep Sea Vents

    The Seven Wonders of the Modern World

        * The Empire State Building

        * The Itaipú Dam

        * The CN Tower

        * The Panama Canal

        * The Channel Tunnel

        * The North Sea Protection Works

        * The Golden Gate Bridge

    The Seven Forgotten Natural Wonders of the World

        * Angel Falls

        * The Bay of Fundy

        * Iguaçú Falls

        * Krakatoa Island

        * Mount Fuji

        * Mount Kilimanjaro

        * Niagara Falls

    The Seven Forgotten Modern Wonders of the World

        * The Clock Tower (Big Ben)

        * Eiffel Tower

        * The Gateway Arch

        * The Aswan High Dam

        * Hoover Dam

        * Mount Rushmore National Memorial

        * The Petronas Towers

    The Seven Forgotten Wonders of the Medeival Mind

        * Abu Simbel Temple

        * Angkor Wat

        * Taj Mahal

        * Mont Saint-Michel

        * The Moai Statues

        * The Parthenon

        * The Shwedagon Pagoda

    The New 7 Wonders of the World

        *  Great Wall of China

        *  Petra, Jordan

        *  Colosseum at Rome

        *  Chichen Itza

        *  Ruins Of Machu Picchu

        *  Taj Mahal

        *  Christ the Redeemer

    The Forgotten Wonders

        * The Aztec Temple

        * The Banaue Rice Terraces

        * The Borobudur Temple

        * The Inca City

        * The Statue of Liberty

        * The Mayan Temples

        * The Temple of the Inscriptions

        * The Throne Hall of Persepolis

        * Petra

        * The Suez Canal

        * The Sydney Opera House

        * The Red Fort in India

    The New 7 wonders of Nature are currently in it's election at www. ... the voting will end in the summer of 2010

  7. Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

    Great Pyramid of Giza

    Hanging Gardens of Babylon

    Statue of Zeus at Olympia

    Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

    Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus

    Colossus of Rhodes

    Lighthouse of Alexandria

    Wonders of the Medieval World

    The Colosseum in Rome

    The Great Wall of China

    Taj Mahal

    Architectural Wonders of the Middle Ages".



    Taj Mahal

    Great Wall of China

    Porcelain Tower of Nanjing

    Hagia Sophia

    Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Other sites included on such lists:


    Cairo Citadel

    Ely Cathedral

    Cluny Abbey


    Golden Gate Bridge

    The Itaipu hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River

    The American Society of Civil Engineers compiled a list of wonders of the modern world:

    Channel Tunnel

    Strait of Dover

    CN Tower

    Empire State Building

    Golden Gate Bridge

    Golden Gate Strait,

    Itaipu Dam

    Paraná River

    Delta Works

    Panama Canal

    Seven Natural Wonders of the World

    The Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights

    Grand Canyon

    Great Barrier Reef

    Harbour of Rio de Janeiro

    Mount Everest


    Parícutin volcano

    Victoria Falls

  8. Ancient

    Great Pyramids

    Hanging Gardens of Babylon

    Statue of Zues at Olympia

    Temple of Artemis



    Lighthouse of Alexandria


    Chichen Itza

    Christ the Redeemer


    Great Wall

    Machu Picchu


    Taj Mahal

    Great Pyramids

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