
What were place like California and New York like during the pioneer days?

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also what were place like china, africa, and italy like?




  1. Pioneer days?  You mean the era of american history regarding the wagon trains?

    New York was an industrial cesspool full of horse sh*t, literally, on the street, and people throwing out their buckets full of sh*t onto the street from their windows because having no toilets to take a dump in, 19th century new yorkers used buckets.  The toilet, was a luxury commodity for the wealthy.

    California was dotted with Spanish mission towns, and more closely ressembled Latin America of that same time period, than it did the U.S.  Though many racist gringo californians will say its still true, it isn't; the architecture in Los Angeles and supposedly historically "hispanic" places is very anglo.  Cold, lifeless, and devoid of taste and harmony.

    China, was a backwards, poverty stricken h**l oppressed by a ruthless police-state like Manchu dynasty, that was so tyranical, that if you did not wear your hair a certain way, that was grounds for being decapitated.  Africa was for all intents and purposes, the american south of slavery days, only there were Indians as well as black people, and the plantation owners were all brit aristocrats.  Italy, at this time, was called the "a**s of Europe."  It was a crime infested cesspool, where murder was common, starvation was rampant, and its part of the reason that eventually, its fed up population just outright packed up and left, the great bulk of them ending up in Argentina, a.k.a. "whopland."  In a map of the world that I owned, I crossed out "Argentina" and renamed it "Whopland."

    I have no problem against Italians personally; I just like making fun of them because they're a very easy target.  They also p**s me off because I have been forced to use a guido surname for the past 3 decades almost but that's beside the point.

    Besides the point, Italy was p**s poor because, after the fall of the Roman empire, the Italian peninsula had no central government, and although it was prosperous throughout the Renaissance because Italy was after all the country that started it, it was divided into kingdoms, principalities and city states, hence the reason why each province of Italy has its own distinctive customs.

    Italy did not become united until the time of Victor Emanuel I, a prince from I believe, gosh, I don't know what kingdom I forgot, and I'm not even sure it was Victor Emanuel I.  Well, one of the princes from one of the major Kingdoms, I think it was Sicily of all places actually, finally said to his countrymen "enough is enough."  And so he embarked on a program of unification, that eventually succeeded by the 1840's, and Italy was proclaimed a republic.  Even so it remained dirt poor until the economic explosion of the 1950's which made the north prosperous, but the south remained poor because northern Italians generally do not like to share their wealth with southerners, hence the rise of the Mafia in that region of Italy.

    Assuming the sicily thing is correct, its a bit of an irony that an island known for corruption, was the birth place of the prince that united the country.  Could be wrong though.

    Hope that answered the question; except for the "victor emanuel" part I'm pretty sure I'm correct for about 87% of this answer.

    sorry I couldn't give you 100.

  2. It was wilderness, forest, no big building.

  3. Before Mankind - - - raw untamed untrampled wilderness no roads no pathways other than those made by animals - - -  tall towering trees thick shrubbery very peaceful and soul stirring...


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