
What were real names of these characters before they got sexchanged[1]ILA,[2] ARJUNI DEVI,[3]AYANI[4]SUMEDHA.?

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Hints: 1.He was a king,went for hunting in a forest.

2.He entered into a pond to have a bath

3.He landed his male gender to a needy cursed fellow

4.He made a false disguise of a newly married bride for his real

boy friend,but,got real change in s*x becoming real woman.

all these references have been take from ancient and classic literature of PURAN,VEDA etc.




  1. 1.One of the Manu's incarnation as King SUDYUMN,once he went

       into certain forest for hunting.

        As he stepped in he became female.

    2.Pandav Arjun entered into a pond for a bath,when he came

        out his phsique was totally converted into female.

    3.A Yaksha by a curse became a yakshi,she borrowed

      male gender from a sage name AYAN,but,could not be

       returned back,so the Sage remained female with the

       name AYANI.

    4.Crossdressing as a newly married bride a  boy Sumedha

       went with boyfreind as a married couple. On the way,

       it was found that the

    crossdresser really converted as real female.

  2.   1`.King Sudyumn

      2.Pandav Arjun

      3.Sage Ayan

      4.Teenager boy Sumedha

  3. 1.He  was king named SUDYUMN,when he entered with has soldiers

       on horse rides into a  forest,everybody got feminzed completely,

         the king and soldiers became women,horses turned into mares

    i   immediately.

    2.Arjuna once  curesed by an apsara,and  due to this curse,as he

          entered into the pond,turned completely as a  woman.The new

          name given as ARJUNI DEVI  .

    3.He was a sage doing meditation,his name  was AYAN,but<when

    a  cursed Yaksha was liliving as Yakshi in exile,and begged the

        male gender of the sage for time-being,he landed ,thence,became

        lady sage named AYANI.Ayani could not get back male identity.

    4.One the two teenager boys,played fun to have a make over for newly  married couple to seek some award from the  king's  court.

    on the way the disguised guy turned really woman and appeled the

    counterpart to have a s*x relation as now she became real woman,His

    name  was SUMEDHA,retaining the same name after s*x change.


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