
What were science beliefs of the 1800s. conflicts of the church? female controversies??

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What obstacles would Marie Curie have to overcome




  1. Science became a religion called scientism which had its' beginnings in England with John Dee and Francis Bacon.Very interesting history.It went from from being objective to subjective ruling out any data that supported the Biblical view of history and creation.Darwinism was thrown into the mix.And a rise in Spiritualism topped the cake.As for women it is simply untrue what the above person states.As people moved from rural and agricultural life to urban and industrial life many doors opened up for women.And they were certainly not "property" in the West.Never were.Curie was amazing.Her husband supported her !00% all their lives.But women had a hard time being accepted in traditional male professions is all.She did quite well after proving herself.

  2. As science advanced the church struggled to accept it's findings. The theory of Natural selection was against everything the bible taught.

    Women were given to their husbands by their fathers and went fronm being the posession of one man to that of another.

    They had no rights and any woman who dared to stand up for her right to be a career woman had a huge fight on her hands.

  3. EZQ1 said it all.The victimhood status of women is a Marxist ploy and rewriting of history.I have both books he lists and they are great historical resources.The second one explains the history of modern science like few other works I've come across.

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