
What were some advantages and disadvantages of agriculture?

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What were some advantages and disadvantages of agriculture?




  1. eat dont eat

  2. In a really small nutshell, agriculture initially brought self-sustainability (is that a word?) and healthy variety to communities, then trade and commerce. No more just eating the elderberries growing wild around the place!

    It also brought about salination and erosion of the land due to lack of knowledge. Enter crop rotation and multicropping.

    The fact that you are completely reliant on nature's whims is also a HUGE disadvantage. Enter hi-tech climate control systems and hydroponic farms.

    The long hours and low income of some agricultural activities isn't a disadvantage of AGRICULTURE, it's a disadvantage of having a highly-competitive market.

  3. good advantage: you grow your own food without buying them in markets and they more fresh.

    you could sell what you growand make money as plants keep reproducing

    disadvantage: beaware of pesticides that could kill your plants or poison it.

    animals could eat them.

  4. advantages -  it helps u to get ur food by your self . u can also sell excess food in market and earn money . u may be proud that ur earning ur food by working hard                        disadvantage    -  use less pesticides , it may be harmful . avoid  animals  eating it . use less fertilisers as it increases soil pollution

  5. Advantages to agriculture is feeding the world...

    disadvantages is that it don't pay very much!

  6. advantages and disadvantages of agriculture when compared to what ?

    agriculture allows many people to live on the planet.

    hunting and gathering supports way fewer people.

    world population has been greatly increased by agriculture and it is using up the worlds resources very fast...

    agriculture has kept me alive for many years as I do not typically hunt for my food, so I like it.

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