
What were some difficulties the first settlers of australia encountered?

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What were some difficulties the first settlers of australia encountered?




  1. Well the fact that Australia wasn’t settled. The aboriginals lead a totally different lifestyle compared to the white people. There were no schools, hospitals, houses, road etc.  

  2. They couldn't speak the language

  3. Aside from the Aborigines, There weren't settlers in Australia exactly. I believe that England put their prisoners in Australia, thus making it a prison colony.

    I'm sure that the climate and landscape made it a very hard place to live. Aborigines had become adapted to the environment and the prison guards probably didn't care much for the prisoners anyways and might not have shared as much food and water as they should have when they ran low on supplies.

  4. they saw g*y aboriginies have buttsex

  5. there was no internet access

  6. The bars weren't open.  

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