
What were some of the contributing factors to Henry VII attaining the crown?

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apart from the help from the Stanleys in the Battle of Bosworth




  1. Stanley helped him to attain the crown because he watched to see which direction the battle would go and when Richard decided to strike at Henry himself, he almost succeeded, slaughtering Henry's standard bearer and could have easily killed Henry, leading to Stanley's interferance. However, Henry VII didn't necessarily owe his success to the Stanley's, it was just one of many contributing factors. So, to make your answer longer you could include some of these other factors which could be argued to be as important if not more, such as the unpopularity of Richard III - I.e. People didn't like the fact he murdered his nephews and didn't approve of his usurpation, therefore making it easier for Henry to attain the crown.

  2. Here's info about Henry VII:

  3. The true monarch Richard III was vilely murdered at Bosworth and his head impaled on a stake on a bridge in Leicester.

    I don't think anyone was going to argue with that particular act of infamy. Hence the revolting Tudor took the throne.

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