
What were some sociological impacts of the slavery system in the America's???

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What were some sociological impacts of the slavery system in the America's???




  1. A cycle of poverty for Black people.

  2. I can say this from what I've learned, first of all slavery was not caused by racism.  It was implemented for 3 reasons.  1. A person could not pay off a debt, 2. Crime that the person committed.  3.  People became prisoners of war.  As far as how it has affected the system in America, even though slavery no longer exists it still has an affect.  

    For example, a lot of African American's have not changed their mindsets.  Some blacks still don't conversate or make friendships with whites.  That is because some of the mindsets are still there.  Even when we see blacks wearing the gold chains in the videos.  When blacks were enslaved they wore chains because their masters made them.  In the videos the chains are still there except as a form of jewelry.  I think that as African Americans we have moved from physical slavery to mental slavery.

  3. Birth of the blues.

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