
What were the 80's like in AUSTRALIA?

by  |  earlier

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Its for an essay..




  1. I agree with all of what the answerer above has said, BUT...

    On the down side.

    In the late 1980's, times were tough for many families due to the world-wide economic recession.

    Many ordinary Australians and small business owners went into receivership and became bankrupts.

    They lost their homes and businesses and took years to recover.

    If you had a very steady job and no high mortage or credit card bills you did reasonably well. Many people were not that fortunate and suffered financial ruin.

  2. Have a look in the Year book 1980 at your local library.

  3. Sweeeeeeeeet, I wish I was there.........  

    Sorry I couldn't help

  4. A Labor Government in office, Hawke as PM and Keating as Treasurer, later Hawke left and Keating became PM. Interest rate were at 18% and unemployment was at 12% businesses were destroyed and homes and farms taken back by the banks. inflation was at 15% and the government didn't know what to do as they had put the country into a recession and they didn't know how to get out of it which only hurt the poor. when you left school you and all your friends went down to the dole office the next day because you knew there is no jobs to get I remember going to job interviews and having to que up with 20 to 50 other people for the 1 job that was advertised. the cost of a brand new holden commodore was $10,000 when they came out in 1979 and no one could afford one if you saw a new car than it was a government owned car. crime rates were high as high unemployment always means high crime rates. the first personal computers became available as to was the first mobile phone not that any one could afford to buy one anyway. Yes we won the America's cup boat race that was done by a bloke called Alan Bond, Bond ripped millions of dollars of people that he had conned and went to jail. it was only after keating was kick out of office and Howard took over that things started to improve he payed back hundreds of billions of dollars the keating government had borrowed and reduced government debit to zero, during the 1980's people were taxed at 55 cents in the dollar so those that did work got to keep less than half of what they made. socially the VCR or video were slowly appearing to to homes as were the microwave oven and I was half the age of what I m today.

  5. I agree with the first answer & it was easier for the average aussie to afford to buy their own home.

  6. AC/DC, booze, sun, surf.  All the things that we now take for granted were better, as Australia was less crowded.  The petrol was cheap and we had not yet had the recession, so people partied hard.  The was a real air of community in those days, we had won the Americas Cup, you could still afford to go on a family holiday, and only the locals lived in Byron Bay!  Computers in schools or homes were almost unheard of and there was no internet as we know it now.  Traffic was much lighter.  There were no speed cameras or red light cameras, and the cops were still corrupt enough to let you off all kinds of traffic offences.  You never saw the type of violence that we get in the streets today.  Most young people were scared of getting caught doing anything wrong, so they did it quietly.  Binge drinking was just a normal BBQ, live bands played at pubs, and poker machines were few and far between.  The 80's in Australia were great times.

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