
What were the caused and nature of the cold war and how did it finally end?

by Guest60182  |  earlier

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Please answer this question by this weak end . this is my home work . help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




  1. The Cold War really got underway after World War II.  The Americans and Russians may not have been best buddies beforehand, but the Russians were resentful that the Americans waited so long to "swoop" into the war and kinda took over, with very strong opinions on how Europe should to divided up, setting up capitalistic free enterprise in order to jump-start a war ravaged economy, etc.

    Russia, at this point, was sick and tired of being invaded.  Between Napolean, the Japanese, World War II, etc., etc., they were constantly defending their borders.  After WW II, they had an opportunity to secure their borders and their economy -- but the Americans and most of Western Europe didn't agree with Russia's policies.  Russia dug in and defended itself, the West saw their defensive posture as alarming, and it escalated from there.

    The Cold War finally ended in December, 1989, when Gorbachev and Bush 41 met at Malta and declared it over.  At that point, the Russian economy was crashing, anyway, and the USSR was dissolved in 1991.

  2. Yer not gonna get a copy down answer but a point in the right direction.First world War,Russian revolution.The rise of the n***s co's when they lost the first war we all took too much off them.The Slump'economics'.The awakening of an American dream but a slap in the face by the j**s.Most americans are a fickle lot untill they're told that the rest of the world exists..and oh my goodness.Britain loses empire co's of american republicanism.and we owe a debt is only just paid off'the special relationship'I cant be bothered with this anymore...did it years ago..Capatalism.Communism,Socialism,blag... de blah de blah!All I know is my socks keep wearing out.My mother keeps buying me new ones.And I don't have feet.What's that of for yer homework pal.

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