
What were the causes, Course, and Consequences of the world War II in Europe?

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Including important battles and other events that directly impacted the outcome.

what difference did victory or defeat mean?

how was the world different as a result of the war?




  1. Okay! WWII-ETO is MY Specialty. In fact I have a Doctorate to prove it.

    I graduated from High School. Received a Master's Degree and then the Doctorate.

    I did not go to Yahoo Answers.

    If I were to even attempt to cram 7 years of study into a few paragraphs I would NOT be doing you a service.

    You would be cheating. If you cheat, you will fail. Please do a little research - you might find it's your life's' calling. I did.

  2. Okay, WW2 is my specialty!


    -Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

    -n**i Aggression after Hitler's take-over in 1933

    -The fatal method of thinking that the n***s could be "tamed" once they got in power

    Course/important Battles:

    -Battle of Britain

    -Operation Barbarossa/Invasion of USSR



    -El Alemein (North Africa, too?)

    -Operation Torch

    -Operation Husky

    -Operation Fortitude

    -Operation Overlord (D-day)

    -Normandy Breakout

    -Operation Market-Garden

    -Ardennes Offensive

    -Operation Bagration

    -Capture of Berlin


    -Facism crushed

    -Cold War

    -Berlin Wall

    -Division of Germany

    -Israel and other countries created

    Difference between Victory and Defeat:

    -Victory: The world would be just like this.

    -Defeat: Many free countries would be subjugated, and n**i ideals would be forced on all of us. Japan, Italy, and Germany would all be major powers, not just the US like today.

  3. I can tell you the bits that I know.  Part of the reason for WWII was the Treaty of Versailles and the way the lands were divided after WWI.  Hitler started early in the 30s spreading his venom.  It was the bombing of Pearl Harbor that got the US into the war in 1942.  Some of the battles were, Dunkirk, the beach at Anzio, battle of midway, Iwo Jima.  The turning point was when Hitler got so full of himself that he marched on the Russian front in winter.  That brought Russia into the war and won the war.  The consequence for that was Russia constructing the Berlin wall.  

      Hitler intended to wipe out every Jew on the face of the earth, and every one else who was not of the Arian race.  Which is why I could never figure out how he convinced the Japanese to join him.  

      I'm sure you will get more information from another answerer.  I hope this helped.

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