
What were the causes of World War 1? What were the effects??

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What were the causes of World War 1? What were the effects??




  1. Britain and France has massive empires, Germany wanted one so started building up their armies and navies, this pissed of Britain and France, everyone in europe allied themselves with somebody, some duke got assasinated, everybody declared war on everybody, some  german children went on a school trip to paris, the french pissed their pants and surrendered meaning britain had to send its armies over to europe, stalemate stalemate, britain starts to push the germans back, britains about to win, the US president says "we cant have that" so sends his armies to europe and claims that the US won the war single handedly, germany and the central powers lose, britain and france take their overseas territories, germany in debt, and a pissed off austrain vows to make it a great nation again...

  2. There were various causes mainly rooted in the scramble for Africa in the 19th century, Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy and others were all trying to become the largest power in Africa which therefore created tension between the European powers. Then in the final years of the 19th century Britain went to war with the Boers in the Orange Free State and the Transvaal in order to gain control of the vast gold and diamond mines there. Germany was friendly towards the Boers and assisted them in their resistance against the British which again increased the animosity between the two nations. After this Britain realised the need for allies and formed the Entente Cordial with France. Further competition arose with the arms race over which navy could build the most Dreadnoughts, the most powerful warships of the time. Russia entered the Anglo-French alliance and so the Triple Entente was created to oppose the alliance between Germany, Austro-Hungary and Italy. The trigger for the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand whereupon Austria invaded Serbia, Russia (who was an ally of Serbia) entered to defend Serbia which obligated Britain and France to do so as did Germany and Italy. Then with each country's collective empire in the war it became a global fight.

    The aftermath of the war left Europe in economic difficulties due to the extreme cost needed to fund the war effort and combined with the Wall Street crash meant soaring unemployment, thereby giving Hitler his opportunity to rise to power in Germany and so began the second world war followed by the cold war. The cold war's, and therefore the first world war's, effects being responsible for the current unrest in Europe.

  3. Several European countries were competing to see who could colonize the most territory so there was bitterness brewing already. They also got into a tangle of treaties and alliances that said, "If you get in a war, we'll help" (in bigger words)

    The Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were touring Sarejevo, Serbia when they were assassinated. Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia and the treaties resulted in much of the world getting involved.

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