
What were the causes of the enlightenment

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What were the causes of the enlightenment




  1. Liberalism of certain authors claimed to be 'enlightened' and opposed to irrational or emotional ideals, that included religious convictions.

    They truly believed if they got rid of all religion that there would be no wars' but its not religion that causes wars its those people who want power over large areas of land, their minerals and enslaving people of other nations for their own benefits. This was proven in the Bolshevik Revolution, WW1 and WW2 these wars had nothing to do with religion.

  2. idk  

  3. the same as they are now

  4. the renaissance was one cause--the new revival of science was one reason

  5. when that dude created the copier machine, more books were published, more reading, more education...etc...

    forgot his name tho

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