
What were the causes of the punic wars?

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i would love if someone could help me and if your not completely sure then id rather u not guess.




  1. The Punic Wars were fought over control over the Western Mediterranean. But each war was started for individual reasons.

    The First Punic War: 264-241 BC, was fought for control of Sicily. The city of Messina in Sicily was taken over by disgruntled mercenaries. The King of Syracuse, a large city also in Sicily, saw them as a threat and tried to crush them. The mercenaries appealed to both Rome and Carthage for help. Both sent soldiers to Messina. The Romans defeated the forces of Syracuse and its king submitted to the Romans. The Carthaginians, however, saw this as a violation of previous agreements (they had agreed that Rome would stay in Italy and Carthage would operate in Sicily, and they would not interfere with each other's territory). Fighting soon broke out between the Roman forces and the Carthaginians.

    Second Punic: 218-201BC was fought when Hannibal wanted revenge for the heavy indemnities Rome imposed on Carthage after Rome won the first Punic War. Hannibal attacked the city of Saguntum, which Rome claimed was its ally. Hannibal then crossed the Alps and attacked Italy.

    Third Punic War: 149-146BC was fought when Rome wanted to finally finish off Carthage. Hannibal had frightened the Romans so much that many, led by Cato the Elder, demanded that Carthage be totally wiped out. When Carthage got involved in a war with its neighbor Numidia, Rome used the opportunity. They claimed that Carthage could fight no wars unless they had Rome's permission. so Rome attacked and destroyed the city of Carthage.  

  2. When Roma became bigger enough to expand it territory beyond the Lácio - it geographic region - it face the other Mediterranean rising empire, Cartago. During several years Roma and Cart ago face each other in many battles, until Aníbal, the greatest Cartago general was defeat by the Roman legions, and Cipião "the african" led the war to Cartago itself, and let Rome as the most powerfull empire in the Mediterraen. Um abraço e um beijo (a hug and a kiss).

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