
What were the conditions in Europe that led to the rise of Fascism?

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What were the conditions in Europe that led to the rise of Fascism? also how did people respond?




  1. post WWI depression, famine.. this led people to believe in every 'strong man' that came along.

  2. It was a reaction to communism.  Following WW1 a large number of lower and working class citizens grew tired of the fighting which they were conscripted to take part in at the behest of the great empires.

      These masses attempted to violently overthrow the various governments, and in some cases succeeding.  With violent communist uprisings in cities a reactionary group rose from the military circles mostly formed form the militaries of the defeated nations.  

      These "White" Counterrevolutions took over nations ousting the Communists.  These movements can be seen in the Freikorps in Germany and Austria, and Horthy's army in Hungary.  Not liking the way the Republican government was heading Francisco Franco joined the Spanish Fascist movement and eventually became the leader to the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War.

      Many people saw fascism as a savior from communism following the collapse of the weak democratic governments during the Great Depression.

  3. After World War I many nations in Europe, particularly those on the losing Axis side, experienced an economic decline which left the average person in terrible financial trouble. People were very confused and did not know where or to whom to turn.  When leaders like Mussolini and Hitler came to power, promising vast improvement, people didn't care about the method by which things improved, but just that they did in fact improve. Once Mussolini got into a seat of power with these promises of economic improvement, he started his policy of Fascism. This totalitarianistic government system consisted of censorship, absolute rule, and mostly, fear. Fascism spread to n**i Germany under Hitler, and Spain post Spanish Civil War under Fransico Franco.

    Hope this helps

  4. One of the factors was that Germany got "the short end of the stick" in the Versailles Treaty which punished the country more than it needed to be.

  5. instability in Europe is the main cause of fascism.... the coutries that did turn to socialist type governments were usually at a weak point and they were looking for answers.

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