
What were the defining moments in the creation of the “cold war?” Who was responsible? Was it inevitable?

by Guest56484  |  earlier

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Please answer in essay form




  1. I think YOU are supposed to answer in essay form.  The Cold War was inevitable with Stalin in charge of the USSR and US possession of the nuclear bomb technology at the end of WW II.  Go from there.

  2. It could be argued that the Cold War started before WWII ended.  The opposing ideologies of democracy and communism already created a rift between the US and USSR.  Once the Allies had Germany in retreat the war in Europe was pretty much over, but there was a race between the US and USSR to get to Berlin first to obtain the highly prized German engineers, scientists, V-2s, and a plethora of other advanced projects and technologies.  The US got the majority of it, and thus the beginnings of the Cold War.  It was inevitable once Russia became a communist nation after WWI and the US was dragged into another WW.

  3. Number 1, Harry Truman confronts the Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov in the fall of 1945 about Soviet non-compliance with the Yalta agreements.  Truman realizes the Soviets have no intention of living up to 'fair and free elections' and other elements of Yalta.  The West now confronts a new enemy.

  4. "Essay form"? Good luck with that.

  5. All of the posts thus far are good.  Defining moments?  Truman VS Molotov was a good one, as was the Yalta Agreement.  You could look at the closing of the highway to Berlin and the Berlin Airlift.  Other moments can be found in the spy flights and the downing of the Lockheed U-2 over Russia -- Eisenhower tried to deny this even until a slightly battered Air force Captain Powers was paraded before the world's cameras.  The fall of Cuba to communism.  Kennedy's attempted Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba -- his brother Bobby (the AG) and SecDef McNamara talked him out of the invasion (sort of).  He allowed the invasion to go as planned but then abandoned the men on the beach and let them all (2510) die.  The Cuban Missile "Crisis" when the Russians planted nuclear missiles there as a direct response to the U.S. missiles in Turkey.  You could hit on the many proxy wars in Central America.  There were many defining moments.

  6. dont expect me to write u an essay!

    1. Berlin airlift, Stalin tried to put a blockade on berlin

    2. Discussions on the post-wasr Europ and POWs

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