
What were the main reasons the colonists pushed for independence that lead to the American Rev?

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I dont remember the main causes of the American Revolution please help!! thanks!




  1. For a while, while the British were at war with spain, they didint relle enforce much in the colonies. however, after when they finished with the spanish, the came into the colonizes with taxes and such. by now, the colonies felt independent from britin and, when britin passed the intolerable acts, that pushed the colonies over the limit, and they revolted

  2. Well the Americans decided to expand and got in a fight with the French who owned the land which they were expanding into. The French teamed up with the Native Americans and went to war with America. The French and Indian War. Since America was a colony and not very well developed yet it called on Britain to protect them. Britain then sent their soldiers over to defend America. To send your soldiers across teh ocean and pay amunition and weapons and everything to defend a nation and take part in a war like that costs A LOT especially at that time. So France and the Native Americans backed off in the end so of course Britain wanted their money back so Britain implemented taxes on the Americans (keep in mind everyone paid taxes. The people in Britain paid taxes and the people from the other British Colonies paid taxes.) However the Americans thought it was ridiculous that they didn't have a seat in Parliament to decide and they revolted. They didn't tell me about all that in school before and it always sounded like Britain was horrible and opressive which is why we revolted but when I read it all later I was like I mean Britain should've given us a seat in Parliament but those taxes made sense. So it's like yeah should've given us a seat but we we're being some whiny betches.

    Also if you read up on the Boston Massacre. In school they said the Boston Massacre was the British troops firing freely on a whole bunch of innocent Americans but if you actually read up on it what happened was some Americans were at a bar and got drunk. And they were angry there were British soldiers in America (who were there to make sure no crazy business went down like internal disputes. They were essentially being police) and those drunk people saw a few soldiers outside and they started throwing rocks at them and mobbing them. It started getting too violent and, if you watch the movies when the cops fire warning shots in the air, that's what the soldiers do. But remember at this time guns sucked. They weren't accurate. So they fired into the air and one was hit and then remember what goes up must come down. . .

  3. America's richest land-owners and merchants did not want to pay taxes to England.  

    Their slogan was "no taxation without representation," but they actually did not want representatives in the British parliament because they would be too few in number to cancel out votes for taxes.

    George Washington was actually the richest man in America, owning huge areas of land.

  4. The main reason was taxation without representation.  Other reasons were British troops in Boston, the Boston Massacre and the Coercive Acts.

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