
What were the major adaptations made by aquatic plants that allowed them to colonize land?

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When did this happen?




  1. Legs. Same day Lincoln was born.

  2. Uhm, being able to extract carbon dioxide from the air would be a big one.   Some billions of years ago I guess.

  3. 1. development of vascular tissues i.e xylem n phloem., stomata is developed to get rid of excess water that    is absorbed.

    3. development of cuticle fr protection.

    4. efficient root system fr absorbing water n salts from land.

    5. complex metabolic processes.

    6. leaves fr extensive photosynthesis.

    7. fertilisation in well protected female s*x organ.....and

    THE most important fact is beginning of seed formation mechanism.

    n ys this happened when most ancient algae family........evolved!!!

    i.e. thallopytes to bryophytes to pterydophytes (all avascular except pterydo-......see the evolution) vascular ones dats phanerogams....i.e flowering plants.........hope this helped!

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