
What were the major characteristics of the Medieval Mind?

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In your opinion, what were the major characteristics of the 'Medieval Mind'? I personally think they are: ignorant, lustful, barbaric, political, religious, undoubting, and sinful. But what do you think?




  1. Some medieval people may have been lustful, some barbaric, and some sinful.  But the same could be said of any period of history.  Medieval people were no more or less sinful lustful or barbaric than the people of any other period.

    They were certainly religious, the year revolved around the church calendar, and church festivals were central to most people's lives.  Going on pilgrimages was a popular activity with msot people.  

    The were creative as well, they built the fantastic cathedrals and churches that are still the glory of Europe.  They composed wonderful music that is still being sung in our churches today.  The wrote marvellous literature, like Dante's Divine comedy, Boccacchio's Decameron, Chaucher's Canterbury Tales, and the poetry of Marie de France, for instance.

    They were no more ignorant than anyone else.  There were many notable scholars in medieval times, like the remarkable Hildegarde of Bingen for example, who was a theologian, scientist, composer, doctor and mystic.  And Roger Bacon, who made scientific discoveries and speculated on the possibility of flying machines among other things.

    I think of them as hardy, earthy, religious, creative, and lusty (rather than lustful).  They loved life.  They weren't afraid to enjoy themselves.  

  2. how about Honorable, religious, lustful and GREED! greed would be the biggest characteristic

  3. I recommend reading "The Autumn of the Middle Ages" by Johan Huizinga.

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