
What were the major issues and compromises at the Constitutional Convention?

by Guest60792  |  earlier

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What were the major issues and compromises at the Constitutional Convention? How do you think the framers felt about the outcome of these compromises?




  1. Major issue:  The Articles of Confederation are not working and must be fixed.


    1) Scrap the current constitution aka "articles of confederation"

    2) Two houses of congress, one based on equal representation 1 state 2 votes, the other based on population.

    3) 2/5th rule.  State slave population will be counted as 2 persons for each 5 slaves.

    4) President not king, and shall act as if he is not the king.

    5) Enumeration of rights- jefferson thought enumeration of rights was unnecessary in a "limited government" and any listing would inevitably omit certain ones and therefore some later judge (Bork, Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, etc.) would claim that those listed are the only ones we have.

  2. Freedom and form of government are major issues.

  3. To make a constitution for the tirtheen american colonies.

  4. The commerce clause was definitely one. Each state had different statuary law when it came trading. This made interstate trading a whole lot difficult because every state had different regulations. The Constitutional Convention changed that..

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