
What were the reasons for 2000-2003 bear market?

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And why did another bear market hit so soon?




  1. After the stock market crashed in July 1999 (it was out of control, way to high), the USA economy hasn't gained its footing back.

    Since 2000 (Bush) every month more jobs have been lost than gained. There are 40 million Americans, who can't pay their bills anymore and daily more of them. The Pentagon got all our tax money, so no improvements where made to our country.

    Adjusted for inflation, the USA has lost 55% of its national  wealth from 1999.

  2. Simple.  The tech bubble burst.  So soon?  We had 4 years of far better than average market gains.  And with the government throwing money down a rat hole,  oil and food prices going through the roof, and consumers over their heads in debt what else could you expect?

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