
What were the reasons of American withdrawing from Vietnam?

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Any chance of a list of reasons?

10 points for best answer, thanks.




  1. We found out that they didn't have any oil

  2. US never lost in their political games before, but with VN, they lost, so they had to withdraw.

  3. The whole war was s***w up.  General Giap says in his memoirs that the US actually won the war two times.  All they would have had to do to stop all combat was approach the north govt. and ask for a surrender.  This was after the extensive bombing of the North and then again, immediately after the Tet offensive.  

    The Americans left due to political pressure from the American public and increasing lack of interest from the general staff.  As usual the American military machine has a short shelf life.  They fight like h**l at first and then the admin. changes or a new general is offered the command position and changes long term goals in mid stream.  

    Gives you great hope for the Iraq conflict doesn't it!

  4. it was just political game that US does to any small countries around the World. US never lost any wars. They just leave because there are no benefits for them to stay.

  5. this ur hw......

    anyway, the answer is very simple....the american TOLD the government to withdrawal from VN....if they could stayed for 3 more weeks....the south would've won....

  6. When you kill innocent people for no appearance reason, their no reason why you should hang around. The American public started to realize we-Vietnamese people are human being too and on top of that, they also have their *** kicked by North Vietnamese.

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