
What were the witches planning for the 11th of august?

by  |  earlier

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all witches and warlocks were praying friday for what to be released on monday? i forgot




  1. Nothing.  Nice to see you believe what your pastor told you and don't bother with learning anything else.

  2. I have no idea what your talking about.

    We did have Lughnasadh around August 1-2 ish

    What's up with the whole warlock thing?

  3. We were planning something? No one told me. Guess I missed out on the prayer wheel.....

  4. Um, wow. Grow up.

    "Warlocks" don't exist and witches are just people that do witchcraft. They're not "planning" anything.

  5. yur an idiot.

  6. Witches and warlocks?  

    Sounds like a fantasy RPG or something.  Witches and warlocks don't get along.

    Haven't you ever watched Charmed?

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