
What were you doing the morning of September 11th 2001?

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I remember that morning like it was yesterday. I was on my way to school when i heard the news on the radio of what happened in new york. At school we spent the whole morning watching the news




  1. I was getting ready to go to the hospital I was listening to 98.7 Kiss which stayed on 24 hrs at that time....I came out of the bathroom the first plane hit.....Stunned I prepared to walk out of the door when the second plane hit...The people on the bus were talking about the first plane when I informed them of the second...That was the only time in my life that I can remember everyone Universally in dismay about the exact same thing at the same exact time.....It is unforgettable....Blessings Yahoo

  2. I was on my way to work listening to a local morning talk show (Waggs and Elliot) on QFM96. The first plane had hit, and they were doing their best drunk pilot impersonations making fun of the whole event. I was in the server room bouncing a web server watching CNN when they cut to the live shot of the second plane. It was a very surreal day.

  3. well at my school it was like 9 before our teachers found out. but the school thought it would be best if nobody knew so we missed that life changing event  but i do remember our teacher coming in and crying  

  4. Boy I too remember that like yesterday.. I was at work I was a chef at the time and was making breakfast for about 50 people when I got a phone call from my hubby, we all stopped what we were doing and listened to the radio...God bless them all

  5. I had just graduated high school the prior spring, and my brother was taking me to work at a toy store... had to be there at 9.

    we had just heard on the radio that a plane hit the twin towers and then they wanted all flights to return, and we looked up and there was a jet right above us that was making a u-turn.... all morning I had people coming into the store asking where the closest tv was and where they could watch it, and if I had heard what happened. We didn't have cable at home but it was all over all the local channels and when we got home that night it's all my mom would watch.  

  6. I was at school. All I remember is many kids getting picked up and my teacher telling us that something bad happened. I live in NYC so what happened during 9/11 seemed so surreal. I actually knew people who knew lost someone there that day. 9/11 is shows how fucked up people can truly be.

  7. I was working behind my desk while my boss and all the officers were taking meeting and i had to break in on them cause of the jet going into the world trade center. the base closed down in two minutes and they were all on alert. it was horrible to see it happening on cnn and then the third one lost for abit and those wonderful people who took them down with them it was so great and courageous for them to take their lives for so many. but it brought america to see what they are really like and we united and we'll over come their c**p any day of the time.

  8. I was in St Louis for work and all of the airports were closed and you couldn't get a rental car... I was on one of the very first flights out of there and held my breath the whole way home.

    When the pilot got onto the plane (a Southwest flight) he walked up and down the aisle and looked every passenger in the eye.  It was spooky - we all realized how vulnerable we all were.

    Sept 11 is a milestone for us, just like Pearl Harbor and the Cuban Missile Crisis were in the 20th century.

  9. Watching some idiot drive a plane into one of the towers.

    Then I left for work.

    Heard about the second plane.

    Some girl asked me what it meant and I said, "Somebody just made a HUGE mistake - you don't attack the U.S.  EVER)

  10. in geography class in 7th grade

    i dont support the war because those Arabs aren't afraid to die and you never go to war with people who arent afraid to die,

  11. I was getting ready for work. I remember how horrified I was to see the plane go into the second tower. Unfortunately, that's one day we should not and will not forget!

  12. i was at school!

    when i got home my mom and dad were wacthing the news!

    wow that must have been a terrible day for many people :(

  13. I was sitting in my grade 7 french class when my principal announced the news to the whole school. Like you, I remember that day as if it was y-day :|

  14. i was in my fourth grade class listening to the morning annuncements

  15. I had just turned on the News and I thought honestly that I was watching a movie trailer for about ten seconds. Everybody was shaken that day. That's the only day I watched the News the whole day, and the days following everything felt surreal. It was like all this paranoia and panic had been building up towards the Middle East in the nineties and then BAM! Chaos ensues in the new century. I think the fact that it happened so early in the new century contributed to the paranoia that's pervaded the first decade of the twenty-first century.

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