
What were you in high school and any advice?

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im going to be a sophomore. i have definintely learned a lot in a year. im continuing with dance. im going to be trying out for drill team. any advice for this year? i've already been told to keep my grades high and dont get involved with drama : )




  1. No need to "be" anything but yourself.  Do your own thing, be your own person!  Think for yourself and don't follow what others think you should do.

    As for staying out of drama... The best way to do this is to not pass on what you hear (gossip) and mind your own business, and keep your own business to yourself. ;)

  2. I went through a phase when I was everything. I was a nobody who did EVERYTHING no matter how immoral to be popular. (Bad Idea)

    Then after a while I was popular and eveyrone knew my name. And before you knew it things came crashing down and I lost my Queen B crown, and became a loner because I lost all my friends and got all weird and clingy lol!

    After a while I decided to get my grades back on track, because being popular meant I had no time to study, so yeah I was a nerd.

    And then I gained some true friends and became normal and smart, and this was truly the best.

    That whole high school hierachy(sp) is so bad and not even worth it. Just enjoy high school and do what feels right, even if it's unpopular, its better to have true friends and be a geek, than to be a ****** with no moral fibre. After a while they all come crashing back down to earth, and realise they're just like the rest of us!

    Oh and who ever told you to not get involved in the drama is a smart and brilliant person. Good luck with the drill team. I don't know what that is because we don't have it in England but yeah lol...

  3. I guess I was a female jock? lol

    I was on the swim team, played softball, and did athletics too.

    Although extracurricular is important, make sure you keep you're grades up! You need to get the right balance.. and make sure noone gets in your way.. just ignore any loser if they try and slate what you're doing cs it sounds like u've got it right!

    Oh and have fun! You'll miss high school when you finally leave

  4. High School doesnt matter at all. All the people who were popular are nothings now in adult world. I dropped out my sophomore year and learned to make money on the internet and with stocks about 6 years ago. I dont have to go to work anymore and I live on the beach in Thailand while most of them probably have to get up every morning and listen to a boss. I was a social misfit. I got a job at google in the mail room department a long time ago. This started my interest with the internet but it also goes to show that most big time employers do not ask you for your high school diploma. I had 22 jobs before that one including the post office and Northrop Grumman (Government Defense) and none ever asked to see my high school diploma. I just lied.

  5. I was basically a social outcast, and I stayed to myself.

    SO a loner i guess.

    Be yourself

    Don't let or even for a second think that the preppy girls are your role models. I was stuck in this til senior year where i then said I dont care.

  6. ohhhhh high school.

    from what i've experienced high school seems to set the mode for who you are going to be in the future......not all of the time but usually.

    so if you keep up the grades and continue to do what you love and play it smart then you will probably do the same after high school.  

    who cares what anybody is in high's just high school!  

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