
What were you thinking during your c section?

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If you would please explain everything they did before the c section, during the c section, and after the c section.

When you were laying there with sheet in front of you and they were opening you up what were you thinking, and could you talk or did it hurt to talk. And are your friends and husband allowed in there?

Did the pain killer shot hurt?

Thanks for your time and support.




  1. My husband was right there with me holding my hand telling me how beautiful I was and my doc was telling me how great my toes looked since I had them done the day was a good old time...the shot in the back wasn't so bad..I was awake for it all..

  2. you do not feel any pain.

    youll feel a lot of pressure when they are taking the baby out, but it shouldnt hurt.

    what was i thinking?? i was thinking please god, just let me hear that cry. thats all i wanted was to hear that cry and know he was ok.

    only my husband was allowed into the operating room.

    before my c-section i was in labor for 20 hrs.

    after the c-section i was wheeled into the recovery room for about an hour.

    the epidural didnt hurt considering i was having back to back intensly painful contractions.

  3. OK before the c-section the nurses prep you. They may shave your private area if need be. They will give you a cap and place it over your hair. Then they will take you to the operating room. You will sit up holding onto the nurses and curled up you will get the spinal. The spinal shot does not hurt a lot at all. It hurts less than the epidural. Then you lay down and they put the curtain up. After the shot and you are prepped they let your husband (or significant other/mother) in. (Only one person).

    Talking is fine, but it is nervewracking to talk. You just want to hear your baby and hear that everything is fine. I was thinking "I hope the baby is ok" and I couldn't wait to see her. My c-section was an emergency due to placental abruption and I was also hoping I would walk away from this fine.

    You don't feel any pain, but a lot of pressure. You'll feel pulling and stretching of your belly. You'll feel a release of all that pressure. Usually after they pull the baby out they will give you a pain killer that will make you very out of it. They will stitch you up and wheel you to a recovery room for about an hour. They will hook you up to more pain killers because as the spinal shot wears off you will be VERY sore. They will give you some type of antiinflammatory and narcotic (vicodin) for the pain. Part of your stomach may still feel numb after the medicine has worn off and that is normal.

    After an hour or so in the recovery room they will take you back to your postpartum room and you will get to see the baby and any other visitors you have.

    Then within a few hours the nurses will help you to get up and walk to the bathroom and get you walking around. Within 24 hours you can shower and walk around more.

    By the time you go home you can walk around more, but are not allowed to lift anything heavier than your baby for at least 2 weeks. No driving for awhile either. You'll be sore and it will be difficult to walk around and get back to normal. You'll feel mostly normal after about 4 weeks.

    Hope this helps! :-)

  4. Oh my, it's all kind of a blur to me so I can't tell you the whole story but I'll tell you the specific questions.

    The spinal didn't hurt me.  My husband was allowed in but I didn't have any friends with me.  I'd think probably not... just 1 person I imagine.

    I could talk, it didn't hurt at all.  Nothing hurt, but I did throw up.

    I don't remember what I was thinking.  I was honestly just in a daze.  It was at 2:00 in the morning.  I had a scheduled c-section but my water broke at midnight on the day it was scheduled so they came early.  I had taken Ambien CR at 7:00 PM so I was only 5 hours into it when I had to go to the hospital.

    Good luck!

  5. I was numbed from the chest down so when they did the c-section i didnt feel no pain i did feel them pulling and stuff like that but i had the sheet infront of me so i couldnt see lol i didnt want to watch it all. My aunt was in there with me she sat beside me and held my hand and we talked about stuff like my silly cat and things that made us laugh. I felt when they pulled my daughter out it felt like a big pull then emptyness in my stomach area. No pain tho, and i felt them lay my daughter on my legs she was moving around and kicking, she didnt start crying right away so i weird but after a few seconds they where cleaning her off and thats when i heard her crys finally. they then carried her off for me to see her then took her off to the nursery to do all the baby test and monitoring she was 35wks 5 days along she was health and just needed to be under the light for a few hours to help with her body temp other then that she was fine :) and so was i.

  6. I was fully dilated, sectioned because of preemie, and breech. while I was laying there I felt like I was "high" and the bright light was shining above me, my husband didn't make it in time (a true emergency) but my mom did, and I said "look mom, I see the light, its just like Jesus", then my daughter was born 3 lbs, and I was too drugged to realize she wasn't doing good...

    it doesn't hurt until AFTER the epidural wears off, then it hurts a ton!

  7. Mine was an emergency section.  All I remember about before was them saying "that's it we're done, get her in there NOW".  They rushed me out of that room in a big hurry!  I ended up being put to sleep because they couldnt freeze me.  They "test" you to make sure you are frozen (touch your skin with their fingers like they are drawing a line accross you with the tip of the finger).  I though she was cutting already and screamed at the top of my lungs "I CAN FEEL THAT!!!  DONT CUT ME"..  Poor doctor had to then calm me down and assure me that she was not cutting!!  While I was out though, I dreamt something to do with an orange trampoline that was like a moon bounce...dont remember anything else about it.  When I woke up (HIGH as a kite, thank you morphine) I forgot I had had a baby and told the nurses (and my husband when he finally came over) all about this trampoline that was like a moon bounce.  Then I asked where I was (in a drunk sort of voice, due to the morphine).  When my hubby said recovery, it took me a minute to even then remember I had a baby.  Then I asked what it was and instead of saying "was he ok, am I ok, was everything alright?", I asked "Is he cute?"  seriously??  I was extremely drugged up for about 24 hours or so, and dont even remember a bunch of people coming to see us (and that was 8 hours after the surgery).  My girlfriends said I was hilarious to talk to because I was slurring my words and basically speaking very slowly.  (I thought I was fine).  They also stopped at the nursery after recovery so I could see him and I had to ask my hubby "who's baby is this?"  he said it was our son and then I told him "I dont think I should be holding a baby right now".  The nurses were hysterical but I was serious!!

    A c-section sucks, but its not as bad as you think!!  Mine was by no means planned, but if you trust your doctor you will be fine.  I was scared but at the same time relaxed b/c I trusted her 110%!!  Also I know I'll have to do it again (though hopefully be awake) as she had to cut and grab so a VBAC is out of the question here!!

    After you get home you DO have to take it easy, if not you will know you overdid it and be very very sore!!

    Good luck, dont worry, it honestly isnt as bad as you think!!!

    ETA: my husband was NOt allowed in.  If they put you out nobody can come in in case there is a problem.  That part SUCKED!!  He was allowed in to cut the cord after baby was out, and then he went with our son to the nursery!

  8. I have had 2 c-sections and with the 1st I was just thinking finally....I was 2 weeks late,induced,28hrs of labor and finally a c-section....

    With my 2nd I was 4 weeks early and all I could think about was GOD please the baby be ok so I can take her home with me....My husband was allowed in there for both births....I talked to him through both of them and no the pain killer shot doesn't hurt they give it too you in your IV.....The spinal block hurts some when they put that in but only for a few minutes and then you are hurts like H*** to stand the first time afterwards though

  9. It's a bit of a blur, I was so tired to begin with (not a scheduled c-section)...  I wasn't thinking much, I was a little afraid as it was the first operation I'd ever had, but the anesthesiologist stayed right by me the entire time (from prep to finish) and he kept talking to me.  My husband was there, but only after I was prepped, but honestly I remember the anesthesiologist more, because he was experienced and kept talking to keep me focused on staying awake.  I was really loopy from the epidural, and a bit freaked out by having the oxygen mask (I don't like things over my mouth, I can't even snorkel because it freaks me out).  

    I could talk, it didn't hurt, it was just such an effort to talk.

    You can only have 1 person in there with you (at least at my hospital, and all the ones I've heard of).

    The epidural didn't hurt me, but then again, compared to the contractions I was having with the pitocin, nothing would've hurt!

    I'd say to just try to relax, and not worry about it too much, but I know that's impossible!  But it's really not that bad-- I was terrified at the time, but everything went really smoothly for me.  

    Good luck to you!

  10. I got an epidural. It did not hurt at all. I'm not bothered by needles though. What was i thinking? gosh...i don't know! i was thinking that the operating room was really bright...i was thinking how nice my husband's hand felt holding on to mine...i was wondering how the baby would look when it came out... i was thinking how the operating table wasn't very comforting....i was wondering if the fill-in doctor was as capable as my real doctor (who was on vacation).....I was thinking A LOT about how I looked on the operating table because i felt like a huge fat whale totally exposed to the world!

    the surgery was fairly brief. it was a lot less painful and stressful (to me) than vaginal birth would have been. on the flip side, recovery from vaginal birth is much much MUCH easier.  

    next time around i hope to have a vaginal birth. we'll see....

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