
What were your best and worst decisions?

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  1. my best planning was a gorgeous wedding at the sheratin hotel guest list 250-my worst planning was getting pregnant on accident and having to cancel it for a small church wedding guest list 35 and lost all my deposits-the wedding date was my due date oops

  2. Having too many people telling me how things should be. I personally don't believe in luck. So the whole groom seeing the bride before the wedding. Is not me. If I had talked to my husband before we got married. Our wedding would have been a lot better. 2 my dress it was too hot and heavey for the time of year we got married

      The best getting married in a place I love not renting some place that had no meaning to me. Having the girls spend the night together. So I wasn't worried about them being late for their hair appointment or the wedding. It also gave us time to all relax and have fun before the wedding.

  3. Best decision: Keeping the wedding small and intimate (35 guests).  It cut down on budget and stress and really let me focus on the creative details.  Also really happy that I DIYed a lot of the projects (centerpieces, invitations, programs, etc.)...really saved a lot of money and it came out the way we wanted it.

    Worst decision(s):  Same as another poster - not hiring a professional photographer.  My MOH's husband did the pics and while they are very nice and lots of them, they're not the style I would have liked.  He did them for free, but looking back I wish we would have spent the extra $$ and paid for what we really wanted.  

    Also, hiring a wedding planner, even with our wedding destination 1500 miles away.  I could have easily saved the money, done almost everything myself and just hired a day-of-coordinator.  Oh well, live and learn!

  4. Best:  kept it small (70 people who all meant something to us) and had a short engagement (3 months was plenty of time to plan everything and I didn't have a year of stressful planning!)

    Worst:  My flowers.  I spent a fortune and ended up with flowers that I didn't even love with big ribbons that I didn't even ask for.  By the time they arrived (an hour or so before I walked down the aisle, it was too late to do anything about it).  If I had to do it all over again, I would have done the flowers myself.

  5. Worst decision was NOT making a CD for the DJ of the songs we wanted played.  He refused to take requests and then strictly played hard-core rap...which offended some guests.  I thought about making my own CD and handing it to him at the reception (or prior) so that we knew what he would play.   The music was a huge disappointment for us.  Hardly anyone danced and that was upsetting for my husband and myself.

  6. The worse decision for me, and this is not a joke, but an honest answer, was to go ahead with the wedding, when I realized that I really did not love him

  7. deciding on not having a very small just family wedding. like 20 people tops. it would have made things so simple and easy. but the girls have already ordered their dresses and ive already sent invitations... its too late now lol

  8. worst:trusting my former sister with my business

    best:my husband

  9. Not hiring a professional photographer.  They were done by some extended family on my husbands side, so most of the photos of the people who came are of his family.  I was VERY upset that my family wasn't included in the majority of the pictures.  PLUS, it took over a year to get most of the photos back and I still don't have them all.  There is so much more about it, but that's the jist.  I have vowed that my children will have professional photographers no matter what the cost.  I don't want my kids going through what I did.

  10. I also got pregnant during my engagement, but thats a plus! Now my *new* b***s fill out my dress LOL.

    Worst- not listening to some of my family's advice on money saving tips.

  11. Best decision: marrying my husband; the venue (an outdoor garden/park that was private); the music (a brass quintet for the ceremony and a keyboard with a very talented player for the reception); my dress -- not my style now but I LOVED it when I was young; the best man; ushers and groomsman. The way we honored my mother during the ceremony -- the flower girl brought 2 white roses down the aisle: she gave one to my husband`s mother and set one on an empty chair for mine.

    Worst: MAID OF HONOR. My best friend from high school -- we both knew we were not as close as we had been. She threw a fit at the seamstress about the dresses and they went from sage green a-line (which would have flattered her curvier frame) to teal shiny taffeta shifts which did not fit in with my garden party vision and to boot she and the bridesmaid (a more casual friend who did not cause any problems but did not lend any support or come to my shower either) unilaterally decided to wear black hosiery and shoes instead of nude hosiery and ivory shoes (WHICH I WOULD HAVE BOUGHT THEM).

    If I had followed my heart I would have had my best guy friends -- one from high school and one from college -- as my bridesmen -- though in 1992 when I got married such a thing was unheard of.

    The only other thing would be the food -- I had an afternoon snack reception that turned out fine but it was cake and punch and iced tea and coffee and meat and cheese trays with tasty buns and homemade mayo/mustard/cream cheese topping the deli made us.

    I would be more imaginative with the food if I had it to do over and have canapes and other garden party type food that was really yummy.

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